it really is simple :
- evolution is a theory, not truth. it has been taught as truth yet without scientific proof.
- it also depends on one world view We here at CC most have what is known as a Christian worldview, not a secular humanistic one.
- Christians hold to the bible as the word of God which provides enough for us to this very point God is. God is the first Cause uncaused. HE is the self-existent One.
- The Bible doesn't provide every single detail of man other than God made us. In context to the eyeball I think also missed the fact there is not one Eyeball that has been found in a person that is the same details as one with the same color eye, just like the fingerprint. In addition, those who look at the eyeball and try to suggest the development of the eye over millions of years is very funny because it happens every day in the womb of the mother and completed 5 months after birth.
- Which I might add is a big problem for those who hold to the theory of evolution. I can go one but I think most evolutionist heads just exploded with what I said thus far.
I am also a Christian, as you know. I however do not reject truths about the world in which I live for purely dogmatic reasons.
See my post (number 14) in this thread.
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