Not sure where a thread like this will go, but please keep it nice and traveling (unraveling?) in a good Godly way.
-- Ok, I will start, and, when someone new comments then they are FAIR GAME to then tell what their nickname means to you. So, remember, these things I , and, I pray you say, are taken personally in a building-up-your-spirit way to glory becoming for who else but He who madeth we. Yes, our God !
----Ok, first off , zere, who I personally nicked that way is on c.c. named 'zeroturbulence.' Hmmm, that's potentially a easy one (zere, let us know, bro), zere's nic means , I am your friend on here and what you say won't rub me (create friction) the wrong way.
--Second, a gi rl, Redmama, now, to me, this is a fun remembrance, I remember in the movie, The Pacifier,' where Vin Diesel (yeah, guys, that shoot'em up action dude in movies like 'XXX,' actually did a comedy) was talking to the kids he was babysitting about a plan. He had names for all the other kids in their roles , like , hmm, can't remember what Diesel named them all, but was for a operative to do something like clean up the house they made a major mess of. Anyway, Diesel named the baby, 'Red Baby.'
Funny, funny movie, good, clean fun.
--ok, I say this next one of julianna, I've seen movies with movie actress , Julianna Moore, in them and Juliana is red-haired and she, I thinks, posted her picture on here a time or two, has long hair, like Moore.
Moore is a beautiful lady who can sure act. I've never seen Julieannie (my nic for her), but she sure can get good threads going on here and is a consummate conversationalist.
---ok, I will d o some more nic namings later. You d-o have fun with this nic stuff y'all
-- Ok, I will start, and, when someone new comments then they are FAIR GAME to then tell what their nickname means to you. So, remember, these things I , and, I pray you say, are taken personally in a building-up-your-spirit way to glory becoming for who else but He who madeth we. Yes, our God !
----Ok, first off , zere, who I personally nicked that way is on c.c. named 'zeroturbulence.' Hmmm, that's potentially a easy one (zere, let us know, bro), zere's nic means , I am your friend on here and what you say won't rub me (create friction) the wrong way.
--Second, a gi rl, Redmama, now, to me, this is a fun remembrance, I remember in the movie, The Pacifier,' where Vin Diesel (yeah, guys, that shoot'em up action dude in movies like 'XXX,' actually did a comedy) was talking to the kids he was babysitting about a plan. He had names for all the other kids in their roles , like , hmm, can't remember what Diesel named them all, but was for a operative to do something like clean up the house they made a major mess of. Anyway, Diesel named the baby, 'Red Baby.'
Funny, funny movie, good, clean fun.
--ok, I say this next one of julianna, I've seen movies with movie actress , Julianna Moore, in them and Juliana is red-haired and she, I thinks, posted her picture on here a time or two, has long hair, like Moore.
Moore is a beautiful lady who can sure act. I've never seen Julieannie (my nic for her), but she sure can get good threads going on here and is a consummate conversationalist.
---ok, I will d o some more nic namings later. You d-o have fun with this nic stuff y'all