I've heard all of this before, many many times, from the moment I was born. I've told people this before, I believed this before, I assure you, I am familiar with the explanation you have, which is really just a basic overview of Christianity in general. I must inform you that the reasons many of us, including myself, do not believe is not because we don't understand it, it's because we take issue with it as well as don't see a reason to think it's true.
In your summary of the Christian faith you've overlooked and completely ignored some massive issues that I believe completely contradict the idea that god is loving, merciful, and just. You ignored things like why would god set a holy standard of perfection, then set up a plan in which all humans would be born into sin, and then set the punishment for sin to be eternal torture? You're also forgetting that god had complete control of everything from the very beginning, he did not have to create hell, he did not have to create the criteria upon which souls are judged to say that all sinners must go there. Really, his divine plan ends with 98% of humans who've ever lived burning in eternal agony, does this seem very perfect and loving to you? There's numerous issues with your attempt to solve the problem of hell and I could go on and on and on...
Which is why I said I don't want to argue about it, because it would surely go on for pages and pages. You asked me a few questions and I gave you some honest answers. But I'm not asking questions, I don't need to hear what the Christian perspective on hell is, because I already know it and reject it. I think you're a nice guy and you're curious so you're asking questions, that's great, keep going and learning things, and I realize you probably just want to help "save" people which is a noble intention, I'm not mad at you. I just want to end this exchange where it is. If you have more questions however, feel free to ask!