please forgive me for having a little knowledge and understanding of scripture and sharing it with others

it's become a habit!
No theres nothing to be forgiven i have you all wrong please forgive me.
@Magenta sorry for upsetting your friend and you and others.
This is a verry sencitive matter to me i can not stand to talk about who goes to hell. For many personal reasons. deeply upsetting ones too. I do understand people being worried about who goes to hell. I know the lord takes no pleasure in punishing the wicked and asks us to help those caught in sin. and i just cant imagine anybody burning in hell for all eternity for that reason,
As for pets i just couldnt imagine a harmless pet being in the hell fire for all eternity.
What where talking about is a living soul being burned alive, the worst possible death for all eternity, a harmless pet living in despair for ever. Because i take it thats what animals the op is talking about, being an animal lover my self, and seeing the effect that abuse has on animals, i really do think Dogs cats have just as much feelings as humans do.
My golden hamster died in my hand two months ago i saw it took its last breath, in my hands, and i saw a jasper light leave its body in prayer. my whole hands lit up jasper whilst i was praying. The scriptures are clear all natural bodies have a spiritual body. the spiritual body is born when the physical body dies, This is what Jesus ment when a seed is planted it dies a death and becomes a physical body. the first death. when the physical body dies the spiritual body is born the second death.
All creatures great and small man, peace be with you all, when a maggot dies it becomes a fly, some beautiful flys around too esecially gold bottles lol. when a catterpillar dies it becomes a butterfly,
A Human seed is the sperm and the embryo. two seeds die and become the physical body a human. the first death and the first life. when the physical body dies the spiritual body is born, the second life and death.
The soul that sins in this world is the devil because his soul wonders around. How can a human soul sin in the body, ? the human spirit isnt free untill the physical body dies. and when the physical body dies, the bible is clear we go somewhere.