According to Jesus Christ's testimony as a credible expert witness in all
matters pertaining to the afterlife; the majority of the world's responsible
souls haven't been making it to safety when they cross over to the other
• Luke 13:22-24 . . And he went through the cities and villages, teaching,
and journeying toward Jerusalem. Then said one unto him, master, are there
few that be saved? And he said unto them: Strive to enter in at the strait
gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.
• Matt 7:13-14 . . Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and
broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But
small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find
• Matt 22:14 . . For many are called, but few are chosen.
Webster's defines "many" as consisting of, or amounting to, a large but
indefinite number; while "few" is defined as consisting of, or amounting to,
only a small number; viz: relative to many then, few is the lesser. Bear with
me while I flesh this out.
According to the US Census Bureau: as of July 03, 2021 @ 10:55 am New
York Time, the resident population in the United States was approximately
332,483,728 with a death rate of approximately one every 12 seconds;
which translates to an average of 7,200 American deaths of all ages, races,
and genders during just one 24-hour calendar day.
According to 2009 US Census data; roughly 27.3% of America's daily deaths
were under the age of 19, which would indicate that approximately 5,234 of
the current daily death rate per 24 hours are adults.
Giving the "many" the benefit of the doubt by limiting their maximum
percentage to 51%, would indicate a minimum of 2,669 American adults
transferring to perdition every day: which translates to roughly 111 per
That's a very conservative estimate as Christ didn't really specify exact
percentages to represent the quantities of "few" and "many". But just think:
by the time CBS completes its half hour evening news report, a bare-bones
minimum of 55 Americans become new arrivals in the fiery sector of the
Using the ratio of 2,669 condemned souls per 332,483,728 population:
computing the number of condemned souls worldwide from a currently
estimated global population of 7,773,415,024 people, would suggest
something like 62,400 new arrivals in the fiery sector of the netherworld
every 24 hours; which translates to roughly 2,600 souls every sixty minutes
on the clock.
Yankee Stadium's football seating capacity is 54,251. At the rate of 2,600
souls per hour, those seats would be filled in roughly 20 hours and 52
minutes. In other words: by 02:52 am tonight the stadium's seats would be
maxed if the world's daily number of condemned souls started filing into the
stadium at 06:00 am this morning.
Christmas and New Year are even worse. A study done of 26 years of death
certificates shows that coronary fatalities are, on average, 11.9% higher on
those days than any other days of the year; with non-heart deaths spiking to
12.2% higher.
The netherworld never closes; no, not at all: it's open for business 24/7/365
nonstop and indifferent to climate change, Wall Street crashes, massive
layoffs, outsourcing, high school shootings, terrorism, tsunamis,
earthquakes, hurricanes, storm surges, nuclear meltdowns, air, water, and
soil pollution, a mission to Mars, freeway pile-ups, brown-outs, threatened
species, the price of oil, election fraud, pipelines, student debt, GMO, trade
deficits, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, North Korea's nukes, Federal debt,
factory recalls, overpopulation, desertification, genocides, revolutions, civil
wars, Covid-19, acid rain, road rage, oil spills, conscious decoupling, ISIS,
LGBT marriage, blood diamonds, fracking, twerking, and/or former US
President Donald Trump's second impeachment.
If standard Christianity's perception of Jesus Christ and the hereafter is
correct; then it's apparent that souls never stop cascading into the abyss in
an endless procession like the unbelievable millions of poultry broilers
passing annually through Tyson chicken-processing plants on their way to
Wendy's, McDonalds, Carl's Junior, Jack in the Box, Burger King, Chic-fil-A,
KFC, A&W, Arby's, Dairy Queen, Taco Bell, et al; and to supermarkets and
restaurants all over the USA and wherever else Tyson vends its meats. The
slaughtering and the butchering never stop.