wattie, are you and I the only ones who have noticed what's going on? Has everyone else swallowed the Kool-Aid? Is the apostacy upon us?
The World Church is rapidly coming together, just as the Lord spoke of it and the Father planned it. These events are grievous to the true believer but we should all take hope in that this was planned from the beginning according to Scripture. God is working all things to His determinate end.
This World Church, full of the worlds way of doing things, must continue to compromise with other religious beliefs in order to bring about a global unity. I read just the other day, where one of the so-called Christian book writers (Name left out intentionally), said that: "Muslims have a better understanding of whom Christ was than many Christian believers.". REALLY??? This kind of statement coming from one who professes a belief in Jesus Christ, is indeed a huge fall down a very slippery slope. But hey, we have to make room for the Muslim belief system. (He says with great sarcasm). True believers know that Christ is more than a Prophet, more than a Holy one sent from God.... He is the Eternal Son of God!!!!
As far as what true believers should do? If one finds themselves caught up in this mess, then - "Come out and be ye separate says the Lord." However, if one does just that, then understand you will lose fellowship with the ones you have known but you will gain further communion with God for doing so. Therefore, one must ask themselves, "Do I want to please God or please man?". What one should not do, is remain in one of these so-called churches thinking they might be able to fix the situation. This rarely, if ever works.
The years ahead will be difficult for true believers. The ones who hold to the TRUTH as taught in Holy Scripture. But Jesus Christ is The WORD and His TRUTH must be defended.... even unto death. It was always known, that a day was coming when True believers would find no truth being proclaimed in the worlds churches. No place to assemble but in homes again with like minded believers. Even the Book of Revelation, talks about a day when the Jews will abandon the Temple because it has been desecrated by the Anti-Christ.
Yes there are bleak days ahead but I say: "Even so... come Lord Jesus!".
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