We are not born again by keeping commandments.
We are born again by the Spirit of God, when we give God our Faith in Christ.
Being born again, is Salvation.
Discipleship that follows salvation.......would be the lifestyle, the works, the commandment keeping.
We are born again by the Spirit of God, when we give God our Faith in Christ.
Being born again, is Salvation.
Discipleship that follows salvation.......would be the lifestyle, the works, the commandment keeping.
Salvation means to be saved from . . . what? the power and control of sin in life . . . and being saved to eternal life.
Discipleship is not separate from or follows salvation. Discipleship is part of what salvation is: for in discipleship is when the power and control of sin in daily life is defeated.
If the power and control of sin in daily life has not happened, then salvation is questionable at best.
(Obviously, when dealing with definitions of words, it depends what each person means by each term. And yet it is important to define terms Biblically, or you wind up with false doctrine.)
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