Thank you 
Yes, and making sure there is no objectionable content in videos is also a must... I like posting ones that are interesting but even one exposed breast or one piece of profanity is enough for me to opt for the very boring vid of a still picture instead LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Yes, and making sure there is no objectionable content in videos is also a must... I like posting ones that are interesting but even one exposed breast or one piece of profanity is enough for me to opt for the very boring vid of a still picture instead LOLOLOLOLOLOL
And it's difficult to explain all the "why's" to someone not from America all the taboos of a Christian forum. (We have so many in our society)
The closer someone lives to the equator the more difficult it gets..."no that much leg showing is inappropriate"...."you can't say that because it's offensive to those from the UK, Japan, Koreans or Phillipino "
The list is extensive and usually aimed to those from OZ who feel like they can't say anything. LoL...
Oh well....past life I really don't want to return to.
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