The Living word of God.
Psalm 138:2. ...>""" for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name""""
Jesus is the Light of the World, and we the born again, who exist as...>"Translated FROM..darkness..>TO Light"...... now exist in the Kingdom of God, born again Children of the Light.
The reason God tells us to be in the world but not OF the world, is because even tho our bodies live down here, our SPIRIT exists in God already.
And THAT knowledge is the TRUTH .
Most believers are worried about their behavior, when they should be rejoicing that they already exist in Heaven, in Spiritual Union with God's Spirit.
When they learn to SEE THIS.... when they get the revelation of who they have become as a""" New Creation"""then everything changes. Lives become TRANSFORMED.
God is "A" Spirit..... THE Holy Spirit, and we the born again, have been spiritually united with God's Holy Spirit.
"Christ in you", and the born again "In Christ">..... This is Spiritual UNION.. "ONENESS".
Jesus said.... in John 17:23...."""I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in ONE"
= This is the real us........this is what it means to be SAVED......born again. and "Seated in Heavenly Places IN Christ".