i love to talk about what God came down here to do for us on the Cross.
Its just so amazing that the Bread of Life, the Bread of Heaven, the Word made flesh, the righteousness of God, the Light of the World, came down here, and died on The Cross so that by this One time Sacrifice for the sin of the world, all who believe will go to heaven.
That is a PROMISE from God.
That is just so AMAZING.
The LOVE that God has shown to us......in that He takes full responsibility for you being born into a world of sin, with a adamic nature, and you are in a bad situation.. This situation is, you are born in sin, and become a sinner, and you have no way of yourself to solve this.........at all.
So, God took full responsibility for it.........for your situation, and came down here for you......and lived the perfect life, kept the law and commandments, and died on the Cross, for YOUR Sin. God "became sin" , on the Cross, and that means, all of yours..
And when you trust in Christ, believing, then God produces a : Divine Exchange.
It this.....God literally places all your sin on Jesus, and takes all of Christ's righteousness, and Christ's law and commandment keeping, and the sinless lite that Christ LIVED, and it is given to you, as if YOU DID IT.......and that is who you become a born again "new Creation"...."In Christ".
See that Divine Exchange?
Welcome to "the GIFT of Salvation"". Welcome to being BORN AGAIN.......... Welcome SAINT, ...to "the Gift of RIGHTEOUSNESS".
Welcome to : """"For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth."""""
""For Christ is the FULFILLMENT of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. """"
For you to go to Heaven, you have to be as Righteous as God, as its only the righteous who exist there.
And the problem is, you have no way to become righteous. You have sinned, so, ....game over.
Now you have this to resolve, and you can't resolve it, because you can't take care of all that sin.
You can't get it off of you.... and you can't stop God's judgement against SIN.
So, you are in a mess, and you can't solve it, and if its not solved you are going to die and go to hell like a bullet.
There is Good news..... God has a Solution. God has a eternal resolution.
Its This...
God took responsibility for your sin.. So that you could be given His very RIGHTEOUSNESS.
And once you have it, then you have it, and that is why God can accept you, and bring you into His family, = born again.
How does God provide this for you?
He came here, lived a sinless life, and kept the law and commandments... He gained this, by doing it, because you didnt and cant.
Then, He went to the Cross and took the judgement do the world for all SIN, upon Himself, .... and this resolved it and forgave all sin.
John 3:17
This is Christ on the Cross, dying for YOU. When this was completed, this death of God's body and shedding of God's blood on the Cross for the sin of the world... IS YOUR SALVATION........Jesus then said..>"IT is Finished".. The IT is what God had accomplished on the Cross, that IS Salvation.
This Salvation, that God Himself earned, is offered as : "The GIFT of Salvation".
Every person who will come to Jesus, and believe, is given this GIFT.
This GIFT, is eternal, as this is GOD's Blood that is shed, not just man's.
It it GOD's Blood shed for you, that saves you and keeps you saved.
This GIFT, is preached, as "the preaching of the Cross", and this message is the message of reconciliation.
2 Corinthians 5:19.....""""that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation"""""
It is God offering what He did on the Cross to anyone and everyone and ALL who will "call on the name of Jesus, believing,". OR....."as many as BELIEVE in Jesus.... I give to you Eternal Life, and yu shall never perish".
So, its by faith that you believe this GOSPEL, and its "faith comes by hearing", is how the Holy Spirit opens your inner understanding to know this Truth, and receive it. John 14:6
The very second you do, 2 eternal things happen to you.
1.) God applies His shed blood to you, and that resolves ALL your sin, forever.
2.) Once the blood of God has taken care of your sin, then God's Holy Spirit gives you a New Birth of your Spirit and you are born again, by the Spirit of God into God's Holy Spirit. .... You become "ONE with God, IN Christ". A "Son of God"....... a "new Creation". "in Christ".
Notice who is on the Cross.
This is Jesus. And the best way to understand all of this, is to just recognize one thing.
Jesus Himself IS your Salvation.
So, if you have Christ in you, then you are born again., you have Eternal life, and your Home is in Heaven.
i love to talk about what God came down here to do for us on the Cross.
Its just so amazing that the Bread of Life, the Bread of Heaven, the Word made flesh, the righteousness of God, the Light of the World, came down here, and died on The Cross so that by this One time Sacrifice for the sin of the world, all who believe will go to heaven.
That is a PROMISE from God.
That is just so AMAZING.
The LOVE that God has shown to us......in that He takes full responsibility for you being born into a world of sin, with a adamic nature, and you are in a bad situation.. This situation is, you are born in sin, and become a sinner, and you have no way of yourself to solve this.........at all.
So, God took full responsibility for it.........for your situation, and came down here for you......and lived the perfect life, kept the law and commandments, and died on the Cross, for YOUR Sin. God "became sin" , on the Cross, and that means, all of yours..
And when you trust in Christ, believing, then God produces a : Divine Exchange.
It this.....God literally places all your sin on Jesus, and takes all of Christ's righteousness, and Christ's law and commandment keeping, and the sinless lite that Christ LIVED, and it is given to you, as if YOU DID IT.......and that is who you become a born again "new Creation"...."In Christ".
See that Divine Exchange?
Welcome to "the GIFT of Salvation"". Welcome to being BORN AGAIN.......... Welcome SAINT, ...to "the Gift of RIGHTEOUSNESS".
Welcome to : """"For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth."""""
""For Christ is the FULFILLMENT of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. """"
For you to go to Heaven, you have to be as Righteous as God, as its only the righteous who exist there.
And the problem is, you have no way to become righteous. You have sinned, so, ....game over.
Now you have this to resolve, and you can't resolve it, because you can't take care of all that sin.
You can't get it off of you.... and you can't stop God's judgement against SIN.
So, you are in a mess, and you can't solve it, and if its not solved you are going to die and go to hell like a bullet.
There is Good news..... God has a Solution. God has a eternal resolution.
Its This...
God took responsibility for your sin.. So that you could be given His very RIGHTEOUSNESS.
And once you have it, then you have it, and that is why God can accept you, and bring you into His family, = born again.
How does God provide this for you?
He came here, lived a sinless life, and kept the law and commandments... He gained this, by doing it, because you didnt and cant.
Then, He went to the Cross and took the judgement do the world for all SIN, upon Himself, .... and this resolved it and forgave all sin.
John 3:17
This is Christ on the Cross, dying for YOU. When this was completed, this death of God's body and shedding of God's blood on the Cross for the sin of the world... IS YOUR SALVATION........Jesus then said..>"IT is Finished".. The IT is what God had accomplished on the Cross, that IS Salvation.
This Salvation, that God Himself earned, is offered as : "The GIFT of Salvation".
Every person who will come to Jesus, and believe, is given this GIFT.
This GIFT, is eternal, as this is GOD's Blood that is shed, not just man's.
It it GOD's Blood shed for you, that saves you and keeps you saved.
This GIFT, is preached, as "the preaching of the Cross", and this message is the message of reconciliation.
2 Corinthians 5:19.....""""that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation"""""
It is God offering what He did on the Cross to anyone and everyone and ALL who will "call on the name of Jesus, believing,". OR....."as many as BELIEVE in Jesus.... I give to you Eternal Life, and yu shall never perish".
So, its by faith that you believe this GOSPEL, and its "faith comes by hearing", is how the Holy Spirit opens your inner understanding to know this Truth, and receive it. John 14:6
The very second you do, 2 eternal things happen to you.
1.) God applies His shed blood to you, and that resolves ALL your sin, forever.
2.) Once the blood of God has taken care of your sin, then God's Holy Spirit gives you a New Birth of your Spirit and you are born again, by the Spirit of God into God's Holy Spirit. .... You become "ONE with God, IN Christ". A "Son of God"....... a "new Creation". "in Christ".
Notice who is on the Cross.
This is Jesus. And the best way to understand all of this, is to just recognize one thing.
Jesus Himself IS your Salvation.
So, if you have Christ in you, then you are born again., you have Eternal life, and your Home is in Heaven.
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