yea I don’t even know how it ever became an idea it’s not in scripture anywhere I don’t think I’ve ever on these arguments seem a single suggestion of it
it’s always based on someone saying “ the church is not appoinred to suffer tribulation and wrath “
but all through the Bible Gods people were suffering through tribulations and being persecuted by the world from the prophets tonthe apostles
then looking at world history even from secular or Christian sources , to all the early church slaughtered under Titus , Nero and domitian…they were crucified and lit on fire , fed to beasts in the arena , skinned alive , used as lampposts crudifoed and soaked in oils and lit on fire to light neros carnival games
persecuted so badly that the Roman citizens eventually got tired of seeing them suffer so terribly and 300 years later they took away the Roman law of persecuting Christians
and yet the argument is always God would never let his church suffer his children but look at the only true example we have of his son . It seems a loss to argue it anymore for me exhausting like trying to stamp out a non existent entity
how can you disprove something that’s never there ? Odd conundrum in my estimation
but it always brings out my argumentative side and I don’t like that it’s just so frustrating this one particular subject
it’s always based on someone saying “ the church is not appoinred to suffer tribulation and wrath “
but all through the Bible Gods people were suffering through tribulations and being persecuted by the world from the prophets tonthe apostles
then looking at world history even from secular or Christian sources , to all the early church slaughtered under Titus , Nero and domitian…they were crucified and lit on fire , fed to beasts in the arena , skinned alive , used as lampposts crudifoed and soaked in oils and lit on fire to light neros carnival games
persecuted so badly that the Roman citizens eventually got tired of seeing them suffer so terribly and 300 years later they took away the Roman law of persecuting Christians
and yet the argument is always God would never let his church suffer his children but look at the only true example we have of his son . It seems a loss to argue it anymore for me exhausting like trying to stamp out a non existent entity
how can you disprove something that’s never there ? Odd conundrum in my estimation
but it always brings out my argumentative side and I don’t like that it’s just so frustrating this one particular subject
This is how the Holy Spirit nudges us, so that we do not become complacent with error. One error leads to another.
Scripture cannot lie - in this we have great confidence in our Lord and His Word.
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