Daniel 9:27 - The Antichrist will confirm his covenant with many for one week (biblical 7 years) The second half or the last 1260 days of this period is what is called the Great tribulation. First, it has to be noted that there is nothing in this context that would refer to a 7-year peace treaty made with Israel. No. the hebrew words Gabar, Beryith, Rab speak for themselves - confirm or strengthen his covenant or his promises with many that is a great multitude of people. That event took place on Oct 29, 2008.
I suggest you read Obama's confirming of the covenant part 1 and 2. I think at the link below it is very well explained why the book of revelation is not in chronological order. the seal judgments and trumpet judgments run concurrently or randomly rather than consecutively, so the mystery of the 30-minute silence in heaven now seems to be solved!
Found in the Book of Revelation--Obama's Covenant--Part 1 - THE FINAL 7 YEARS ARE HERE!! JESUS IS COMING VERY SOON! ARE YOU READY???
The 1260 day long great tribulation will start 1260 days from the confirming of the covenant that is on April 11 , 2012. The day the Antichrist sets up the tabarnacle of his palace on the Temple Mount (Daniel 11:45) declaring himself God and demanding worship. (That's clearly not the Milennial Temple described in Ezekiel 40 through 48, the third temple will be built after the return of Christ and Christ shall be the first to enter it.)
So, using maths, the whole tribulation concludes on September 23, 2015 - Yom Kippur , Day of Atonement - the holiest feast on the Jewish calendar when Jesus is spupposed to return to this Earth at the battle of Armageddon.
the signs we've got are beyond mere chance. On September 23, 2015, The 70th Jubilee cycle will conclude that began on June 7, 1967 when the commendmant to restore and rebuild Jeruslaem was announced. As prophesized by Daniel, 49 years, one jubilee, that is 17640 days will pass from the restoration of Jerusalem to the coming of the Messiah. Day of Atonement , 2015 is also the end of a Sabbatical cycle that began exactly 2520 days earlier on Oct, 29, 2008. The very day Obama confirmed his covenant with many and that if he is elected he would change the world.
Daniel 7:25 declares the AC will think to change the world and the laws..
In case you are interested, for why not? you can find intriguing videos about Barack Obama. Why the winning numbers of the lottery (pick 3) were 666 the day he was elected. Why he had the secret codename - "Renegade" meaning lawless one, the way Paul calls the AC in 2 Thess 2..
1.) Mystery Babylon (Book of Revelation 17-18) and the Antichrist revealed!
2.) Obama and 7 strange coincidences
3.) Did Jesus give us the name of the Antichrist?
4.) Obama mocks Jesus Christ
5.) Obama's slogan: "Thank you, Satan"
6.) Obama says, "Serve Satan"
7.) Barack Obama is the Antichrist!
8.) Is Barack Obama the Antichrist?
9.) Is Barack Obama the Antichrist? (part 1)
10.)Is Barack Obama the Antichrist (part 2)
and nothing has been said about the blood red moons as yet. Jesus said there will be signs in the sun and the moon and the following chart demonstrates the relation between the occurance of tetrads over Jerusalem and major events in Jewsih history. Check this out please:
So I can boldly say that the events confirmed by tetrads are:
May 14, 1948 - Birth of Israel
June 7 , 1967 - Capturing Jerusalem in the 6-day war
September 23, 2015 - all signs are pointing towards this being the return of Jesus at the end of the 7-year tribulation.
coincidence? I do not believe in coincidences. The evil system is forming. The New world order will take control soon and the one world government, one world currency, one world religion will be enforced just as written in revelations, the kingdom of the beast. It's all here, it's all real, these are the last days, no doubt about it. As far as the Rapture, it is our great escape, The Rapture will take place just before or simultenously with the sudden destruction planned by the NWO - which could well be a nuclear warfare to depopulate the Earth and then insert chips (the mark of the beast) and manipulate the survivors. This global and catacylismic destruction as well as the Rapture must take place by or before April 11, 2012. Why? it is simple! The AC cannot declare himself God and take full control until the restrainer (the holy spirit and all the spirit-filled dchristians) are here. The next event to watch for is the Rapute.
Get ready, stay ready! and let's all rejoice for our redemption is drawing near!