Well if you think that separation means a complete nothing to do with anyone or anything who is not Christian then this argument is mor than political.
NO, actually we are to surround our selves with ALL people ALL times(Especially sinners...NOT sinnign Christians...THOSE we are suposed to ave nothign to do with...im not saying stumbiling christians..im saying a Christian who LIVES in sin...and it doesnt phase them)...But peopel will flee from YOU, becasue ALL we are suppsoed to Do, act like, adn talk about is JESUS. Again. Didnt say be a hermit...i said dont act liek the world. And Actually I didnt say it, Jesus, adn then the apostles said it REPEADEDLY.
So do you live in the middle of nowhere completely separated from everyone accept other people who have decided to run off to the middle of nowhere?
Haha did you honestly get that from my words? this was political. And im not arguing im plainly speaking what JEsus wants fro mus, adn what the scriptures tech...but what pastors neglect....MAINLY becasue they have no faith in GOD to provide...so they want to stay making money and growing there Church..anyway...thsi context was apolitics...and since JEsus says the WORLD should hate us...and to have nothig nto do with the WORLD...but NOW the "Christians" are trying to make everythign "christian" who is dissobeying whom?
If you do then I guess you have completely separated yourself.
ITs a state of being. NOT a running to the woods and never comming out. Its Being around sinners, adn NOT sinning. its beign around the WOrld and NOT doing what they do. ITs living i na house of tv watchers...and NOT watchign tv. ITs beign around people who talk about the thigns of the wordl and NOT joining in unless its about Jesus. Am i saying its easy at first? no...but that IS what JEsus wants...he said so. its HUMASN who dissobey HIM. It has nothign to do with being a hermit. Physically, its beign a hemit spiritual. YOU CAN NOT have two masters. its JESUS or the cares of the WOrld. Mammon, means not JUST money, but worldy posesions...gaining...that means ANYTHING...What profits a man if he GAINS his life but looses his soul? We are suppsoed to DENY life...why dont we?
If you don't then I gurantee you that you deal with, participate in some form, no matter how direct or indirect political/social/economic issues in this country.
Oh? I get up, I pray, I preach(as the Lord leads) i eat. I pray fro work again(currently im out of a ob...but i world for jesus so when HE wants me to have one i will) and i take care of my dissabled father. then i go to sleep. Its ME and JEsus as much as possible. The WORLD, ESPECIALLY the CHRISTIAN world is spiritual STARVING becasue they are buyign there time with the thigns of the world, adn not spending time with Jesus eating jesus drinkign his blood, CONSUMING HIM...we need to be Pugged into the spirit at ALL times..adn that is impossible to do if we are plugged into the world...hard? YES! but needed?
Do you shop at grocery stores or do you produce all of your own food?
DO you justify all your actions? Or do you try to obey JESUS its HIS words we will be judged on.
Im not fighting and i TRULY am not tryign to make you angry....TEXT isnt the best place to show emotion, or tonality in voce...so if im upsetting i apologise, NOT my intent.
And OBVIOUSLY im on the internet....so...You turly need to understand where im comming from. We need to be seperate from the Desires...from haw we show the wordl JESUS. Becasue if those claimign to be Children of GOD, adn they ACT exactly like the world, VOTE liek the world, Do everythign LIKE the WOrld...then WHAT is the testemony? What are We showing the WOrld that GOD can do in a person? We arent to try to make this wordl a RELIGON we are to show the power of GOD in a regenrated, person, who now Belongs to HEAVEN and not earth...yes we are to share the gospel...but we are hre to DIE*jesus said it) not LIVE
Do you buy clothing or do you make it all?
ACtually most of the clothes i have i had before i recieved the Holy spirit and Told JEsus that i live for HIM now. JEsus is LORD. Why dont we honor that? we LORD our lives, adn make JESUS secondary...you cant dey that almost EVERYONE does it...i still fall into doign so....but it pains me everytime. So an answer to your question...i no longer buy clothes. no.
How about entertainment?
What is enteratinment? Leonard ravenhill said "Entertainment is Satans substitue for Joy" TRULY it is. entertainment is a passefire. it makes you docile..an keeps you for mJesus, adn growing spiritually. HAe you ever felt the Joy of the lord? like HEAVILY its one of the most intense amzing fealins i have ever experienced in my life. Whe nyou just silently praise adn thank Jesus for all thigns, and you spend long times at the throne...in the holy of holies...just being with GOD...have you have doen that? Sit with GOd in his peresnce? if not..then go and do so. And do it DAILY...thats how we grow in prayer...in the SPIRIT. SO no. I threw out most of my books, and music, and movies, adn i dont watch TV. IS that what we ALL should do? Im not sayign that...that was my conviction. But we cant be convicted if we arent listening to the spirit talking to us...and tellign us what to do.
All of these things are produced by people who may or may not be envolved in immoral lifestyles including drugs, murders, rapes, etc. But the general population has no way of knowing these things as well as no way of living with out these goods and services. No we are not of the world but we physically live in the world so there are some things you cannot avoid.
There ARE some thigns you can not avoid. adn then there are sthigns you justify adn defend ONLY becasue YOU want it. and YOU dont see an wrong. but thats becasue MOST dont go to the FATHER they make there own chocies. its YOUR salvation at stake. I would be saying these thigns, and talkign like this if i didnt love you. I DO. I thought i was saved, adn i lived exactly the way MOST do. Untill i reashed a deperession and jsut completely surrenderd myself to JESUS. and i felt him like NEVER before. And HE changed me. Compeltely!! HE changed my apitite. I dont even desire the same things...and before hand i didnt really desire anythign "Evil" but mosts standards...
Anyway. Seperation is a STATE of BEING not really where you are on the map.
And AS far as Politics. We SHOULD NOT have anything to do with it. Really. its not good. it doesnt make any difference...adn even if you get a "moral" person in...what is morality but mans laws. if we arent beign led bythe spirit of GOd then we arent CHIDLREN of God. and the SPIRIT does nto lead one further into the wordl....infact The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD leads into the oposite direction in ALL ways...PRAY, please. Seek Jesus on your kness more adn more.