Psalms2713 --- Believing,
YES, there really is hope (a God who Loves us) at the end of the tunnel, that though we do die a physical death (unless you're so lucky like Enoch and Elijah
) , our soul goes to a much happier place the moment we check out of Earth for good, which, but of course, is going to Heaven.
Anyway, I reading the KJV versión Psalms 27:13 , reading as much as I could into this verse and that's then what your nic reminds me of, that, Psalmistgirl,
, I should say, and, the very outward admission by you of being vulnerable to the point of feinting and therefore letting the Enemy (and just those on Earth that might want to hurt you) have their way with you if you do not believe in God's goodness to you and all the good things He will give to you before you check out
Heady. People need to think of a lot with what looks like ... just a verse, there's a lot, lot to this verse and therefore a lot, lot to you.
Whyllow -- I just like it creative. Reminds me of the wind. and clássico children's book, Wind In The Willows.'