Because unlike others not called to Prophecy, I don't GUESS and give MY OPINION, I give the Holy Spirits understanding via seeking his face, the same reason the Pharisees had no clue what Jesus and John the Baptist was speaking about, they were not listening unto the Holy Spirit, they were hearing their TRADITIONS, which is what Jesus told them they were doing.
I understand what is going on via seeking God and enquiring about His TRUTHS, not trying to push MY OWN UNDERSTANDINGS as truth, I learned that never worked after 30 plus years when in prayer one night I asked God why we in these END TIMES (when things are supposed to be revealed), the church on earth still have so many interpretations of what Babylon is, what the 144,000 is, what the Harlot is, etc., etc. and I got this, "Ron, you guys already know ot all" Thus I understood, (about 5 years ago) and since that time I have learned to NEVER RELY on old understandings, but to simply ASK God what any and everything means when it's vague or when there is a "SEEMING CONTRADICTION" and thus God 100 percent of the time reveals these answers unto me now.
For instance, it always bothered me that those seen in Rev. 7:9-17 came out of the Great Tribulation because I knew they were Raptured Pre Trib in reality, but there it was in writing, they came out of the Great Tribulation, so I asked God to show me His understanding/truth, and as I waited on the Lord I suddenly saw it, the 5th Seal says those under the altar MUST WAIT for their brothers to die in like manner as they had, so they are raptured nowhere during the 70th week. AND then in Rev; 20:4 they are shown to NOT BE JUDGED until after Jesus' return, thus I knew 100 percent that those killed during the 70th week can not be seen in Heaven because they LIVE and REIGN on earth with Jesus for 1000 years, after getting Judged in Rev. 20:4, thus those seen in Heaven in Rev. 7:9-17 were indeed the Raptured Pre Trib Saints. BUT STILL, why did John describe them as coming out of the Great Tribulation, what gives, I thought to myself. I asked God, I accepted nothing. We must wrestle for these answers.
Then the Holy Spirit was like, why are you guys boxing my language in? There can be more than ONE DESCRIPTION of GREAT TRIBULATION on this earth can't there? Then I understood, in the Gospel of John Jesus said that we would have continual tribulation on this earth. The Church of Smyrna was told they would have tribulation 10 days (which means for the COMPLETE Church Age Period as 10 stands for completeness). So, isn't 2000 years GREATER than 7 years? As in 2000>7, thus God can describe more than one thing as GREAT. The Church Age Tribulation period is VASTLY greater in length than the 70th week period, and the End Times 3.5 year period is the Greatest Ever Troubles man will have ever seen on this earth, no doubt, but God can use GREAT as a Descriptor in both ways, it's us who fail to put 2 + 2 together here. Its quite evident that it can't be anyone from the 70th week we are seeing in Rev. 7:9-17, Jesus says very clearly, THEY MUWST WAIT, until all of their brothers have been killed in like manner as they have, AND we see the 70th-week Martyrs are not Judeged until Rev. 20:4 which is AFTER the Second Coming !! So, those are the Pre-Trib Raptured Church, also seen in Rev. 4:4 and in Rev. 5:9-10, just before we see them in Rev. 7:9-17.
So, by refusing to accept contradictions, and seeking God's answers, I get those answers. God says he will reveal unto those who seek His face, yet we all too often seek other men's understandings as the Pharisees did. Y0ur MISTAKE is in not understanding the difference between a man's perspective, and a revealed perspective unto a man by the Holy Spirt, those are vastly different things.
I understand what is going on via seeking God and enquiring about His TRUTHS, not trying to push MY OWN UNDERSTANDINGS as truth, I learned that never worked after 30 plus years when in prayer one night I asked God why we in these END TIMES (when things are supposed to be revealed), the church on earth still have so many interpretations of what Babylon is, what the 144,000 is, what the Harlot is, etc., etc. and I got this, "Ron, you guys already know ot all" Thus I understood, (about 5 years ago) and since that time I have learned to NEVER RELY on old understandings, but to simply ASK God what any and everything means when it's vague or when there is a "SEEMING CONTRADICTION" and thus God 100 percent of the time reveals these answers unto me now.
For instance, it always bothered me that those seen in Rev. 7:9-17 came out of the Great Tribulation because I knew they were Raptured Pre Trib in reality, but there it was in writing, they came out of the Great Tribulation, so I asked God to show me His understanding/truth, and as I waited on the Lord I suddenly saw it, the 5th Seal says those under the altar MUST WAIT for their brothers to die in like manner as they had, so they are raptured nowhere during the 70th week. AND then in Rev; 20:4 they are shown to NOT BE JUDGED until after Jesus' return, thus I knew 100 percent that those killed during the 70th week can not be seen in Heaven because they LIVE and REIGN on earth with Jesus for 1000 years, after getting Judged in Rev. 20:4, thus those seen in Heaven in Rev. 7:9-17 were indeed the Raptured Pre Trib Saints. BUT STILL, why did John describe them as coming out of the Great Tribulation, what gives, I thought to myself. I asked God, I accepted nothing. We must wrestle for these answers.
Then the Holy Spirit was like, why are you guys boxing my language in? There can be more than ONE DESCRIPTION of GREAT TRIBULATION on this earth can't there? Then I understood, in the Gospel of John Jesus said that we would have continual tribulation on this earth. The Church of Smyrna was told they would have tribulation 10 days (which means for the COMPLETE Church Age Period as 10 stands for completeness). So, isn't 2000 years GREATER than 7 years? As in 2000>7, thus God can describe more than one thing as GREAT. The Church Age Tribulation period is VASTLY greater in length than the 70th week period, and the End Times 3.5 year period is the Greatest Ever Troubles man will have ever seen on this earth, no doubt, but God can use GREAT as a Descriptor in both ways, it's us who fail to put 2 + 2 together here. Its quite evident that it can't be anyone from the 70th week we are seeing in Rev. 7:9-17, Jesus says very clearly, THEY MUWST WAIT, until all of their brothers have been killed in like manner as they have, AND we see the 70th-week Martyrs are not Judeged until Rev. 20:4 which is AFTER the Second Coming !! So, those are the Pre-Trib Raptured Church, also seen in Rev. 4:4 and in Rev. 5:9-10, just before we see them in Rev. 7:9-17.
So, by refusing to accept contradictions, and seeking God's answers, I get those answers. God says he will reveal unto those who seek His face, yet we all too often seek other men's understandings as the Pharisees did. Y0ur MISTAKE is in not understanding the difference between a man's perspective, and a revealed perspective unto a man by the Holy Spirt, those are vastly different things.
Matthew 24:36
New King James Version
No One Knows the Day or Hour
36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of [a]heaven, but My Father only.
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