What do you think about works?

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2021
are you Catholic too? seems we have a bunch of Catholic sin conscious people in this thread

no I don't believe Blik is Catholic and I think she is less confused then you and several others here

you are very much wrong....concentrating on not sinning is not what salvation is about

Catholic then?
You appear to be quite fixated on charging people must be Catholic when defending the truth of God in Christ.
Are you anti-Catholic then?
How many like you are here?

The Ekklesia are Catholic, meaning we are members of the universal church that exists as one comprised of the body of the faithful.
This doesn't mean the same thing as pertains too those individuals who are baptized into the Roman Rite church.

What denominational title is affixed to what you and others defend? As those who deny faith without works is dead, the law of Christ does not exist, and Salvation is revocable?


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2016
Remember the amendment the 11 commandment Jesus gave?
I absolutely love those commandments. It is the laws in stone as they really are, the spirit of the law in our hearts--the law is of God and God is love. It is the law through love. "You have been told---" but "I tell you". Do not murder becomes accepting others, warts and all, with love. To marry becomes a life commitment not the answer to lust.
Aug 20, 2021
I absolutely love those commandments. It is the laws in stone as they really are, the spirit of the law in our hearts--the law is of God and God is love. It is the law through love. "You have been told---" but "I tell you". Do not murder becomes accepting others, warts and all, with love. To marry becomes a life commitment not the answer to lust.
Mem means water....Psalm 119:97 oh how i love your law it is my meditation all the day.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2021
You have to be perfect if you gain eternal life through keeping the commandments, and we achieve that perfection only through the forgiveness of sin Christ offers.

Christ said there was no one good but God, and that was while he was still in the flesh. Now Christ is one with God.
So don't believe me, you are certainly free to make your own way and to state what that way is. But you are not free to dictate to me my way, I use scripture for that. Your posts are full of "you" "you" "you" as you try to rule this "you" or "Blik". Scripture and the Lord is my ruler, not you. Nor am I your ruler, but I may state what I interpret scripture as saying, it is my right just as it is yours. You are taking on the judgment of me, not of what scripture says and you have no right to do that.
Agreed. They proceed in the personal attacks by creating a straw man to apply the charge of Catholic to any ere who don not believe , as they do, that all they need is faith in order to see heaven.

It's easy to defeat that worldly doctrine.

The indwelt Christian is guided by the Hoy Spirit.
That guidance is into righteousness. The law of Christ is Love.
The 10 Commands are reflected within and as that. Love of God, self, our neighbors.

If the Holy Spirit is going to guide us, how is that accomplished if not through His love?

We know we do not make a habit of sinning, because those who do are not in Christ.

God's guidance, laws of the Anointed, Christ, do not qualify nor quantify sin. Rather they lead us into understanding as to how to serve God's will and purpose for each one of us uniquely.

We live God and one another, therefore we do not lie about one another, we do not rob one another, we do not murder, etc...
The 10 are moral guideposts.

What rational reborn Christian argues morality isn't commensurate with love?


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2021
I absolutely love those commandments. It is the laws in stone as they really are, the spirit of the law in our hearts--the law is of God and God is love. It is the law through love. "You have been told---" but "I tell you". Do not murder becomes accepting others, warts and all, with love. To marry becomes a life commitment not the answer to lust.
What the Bible says about the Law of God
"Psalm 19:7-9 A commandment is a specific instruction or law from God that we are to obey forever. Commandments have no precedents because they establish original, divine law. "
Psalm 19:
7. The law of the Lord is perfect,[c]
reviving the soul;
the testimony of the Lord is sure,
making wise the simple;
8 the precepts of the Lord are right,
rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the Lord is pure,
enlightening the eyes;
9 the fear of the Lord is clean,
enduring forever;
the rules[d] of the Lord are true,
and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than gold,
even much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey
and drippings of the honeycomb.
11 Moreover, by them is your servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.
12 Who can discern his errors?
Declare me innocent from hidden faults.
13 Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins;
let them not have dominion over me!
Then I shall be blameless,
and innocent of great transgression.
14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

What's the Purpose of God's Law? | ApplyGodsWord.com

The law marks us for God. When we obey the law, it shows that we are his. Obeying the law does not save anyone, "For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law" (Romans 3:28). So what comes of the law? Does it disappear for those who have faith. Never!

Nor did Jews believe keeping the laws of God in the Old Testament would bring Salvation.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2020
So then faith cometh by hearing,

and hearing by the word of God.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭10:17‬ ‭

“Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:21-22‬ ‭KJV‬‬


That is not what scripture tells us. Scripture gives many ways we are to use the law, not just one or two. We are not to add to or TAKE AWAY any of scripture. All must be put in our hearts, not taking away any scripture.

The law condemns us, that is one important use of the law but it is not the only way we are to use it.
Yet we have quoted the scripture which tells us this exact words to you

You should just stop. Your hurting yourself and those who like you comments. Your all wrong
once again
cursed is the one who does not obey ever word. That’s all of us but christ
for this reason whoever puts themselves under the law is cursed
As James said. If we keep every word of the law yet stumble in one point we are guilty of all

Scripture does not say it huh? Only because you refuse to see it


I agree with the text, but with out the Ten Commandments how can you receive that glory. Jesus said in (Matt. 19:16-17) (v.16) And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? That’s what we are all trying to obtain correct, eternal life? (v.17) And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. Now if you want to enter into eternal life you must keep the commandments. Sounds like a little work to me.
are you sinless?
If not you already fell short with f that standard
Jesus tried to get the young man to see that. He did not. I pray you do


I don't judge people I'm not here for that. I'm just fellowshipping posting book. Actually what I'm doing is loving people. Showing people and giving people a different out look on the word of God, is suppose to be good. It's all coming from the same book.
Paul says in Titus 3:8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men. This is a life time journey brothers and sisters, you must maintain good works to the end. That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Timothy 3:17).
1st of no one here is against works. So if your going to push works then you need to learn what people are arguing about
2 we will nit be perfect until we get to heaven that’s why Paul said he kept running the race. Because he knew he had not arrived yet


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2012

For 300 years the church was led by either the men who knew Christ or were trained by these men. They said that Christ wanted us to live transformed lives, that faith in Christ included faith in all he said and to have faith in him was to live for him. They weren’t interested much in doctrine, they thought people understood scripture differently. They stood united in the core of beliefs and guarded against adding or taking from that core but were tolerant of differences in interpretation. There were heresies they argued against, but would never force their beliefs.

What do you think the Lord wants from us?
I think you need to spend more time reading books like Roman's, first and second Coeinthians, Ttus, James, and Galatians. Clearly, you have not thought this through.


Active member
Aug 22, 2020
Refusing to hear

The anti-gospel is Satanic. Remember that.

You have to remember the enemy of The Word is here. This world is prowled by its lord, like into a hungry lion seeking souls to devour.
His power over death was destroyed on the cross. That doesn't mean he gave up.
And he has disciples just as Jesus does.

because of ignorance. if they knew what they did, not only if they were to learn with their mind, but with their hearts, they would 'see'. and seeing.... begin to repent.


Active member
Aug 22, 2020

are you sinless?
If not you already fell short with f that standard
Jesus tried to get the young man to see that. ...

righteousness is a process, but it must be believed in ... faith - in - Christ (right- eous -ness). as we believe -- we can begin to do. overcoming is in the mind of the one who believes he should (has faith). there are greater faiths and lessers.
May 22, 2020
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches his disciples, saying, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16 NIV)

But just a little bit later he tells them, "Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them." (Matthew 6:1 NIV)

These two admonishments seem to be in contradiction with one another; but since they come so close together, it seems like there is probably a way to harmonize them. Are there different types of good deeds one should or should not do before men? What did Jesus mean by each of these statements if they don't contradict one another?

Many posters on this site warn against working because we are saved by faith not works. They add that we can never earn our salvation through works, and our works is not looked at by the Lord to achieve righteousness, that is only given to us as a gift. They feel these things mean we must be careful of our works.

For 300 years the church was led by either the men who knew Christ or were trained by these men. They said that Christ wanted us to live transformed lives, that faith in Christ included faith in all he said and to have faith in him was to live for him. They weren’t interested much in doctrine, they thought people understood scripture differently. They stood united in the core of beliefs and guarded against adding or taking from that core but were tolerant of differences in interpretation. There were heresies they argued against, but would never force their beliefs.

What do you think the Lord wants from us?
"faith without works is dead...

What does that mean? The answer is the answer to your question.


"faith without works is dead...

What does that mean? The answer is the answer to your question.
It means If can claim I have faith and continue to live as I always did And show no signs of true repentance.

I had n faith to begin with. Was never saved. And am just an impostor. I will most likely return to my vomit. Because i was a dog. I still Am a dog. And unless i repent. I will always be a dog.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2020
This one thing I know,Jesus said we must love God with all our heart,soul and mind and secondly love thy neighbor as THYSELF. Mt.22:35-40 (all the law and prophets hang on these)

He said in John 13:34/35 he was giving us a NEW commandment to love one another as HE HAS LOVED US . By doing such shall people know we are his disciples.

Works as a believer are NOT the rituals of the law given to the Hebrews but are the outpouring of Christ love to others....spread the gospel,feed the hungry,visit the orphans and widows and those in prison ect. ect.

The veil in the Temple was torn from top to bottom,it's presence before had separated the people from God except by the priest who could enter the holy of holies . Their Messiah had closed that separation but they refused.

How anyone can think the Law given to the Jewish nation is for us as believers in Christ are sadly misguided.
However knock yourself out trying to keep them,ALL of them you must or you break them ALL!


righteousness is a process, but it must be believed in ... faith - in - Christ (right- eous -ness). as we believe -- we can begin to do. overcoming is in the mind of the one who believes he should (has faith). there are greater faiths and lessers.
Righteousness is a fact. We have been given christs righteousness. Its what saves us

Becoming christlike in reality (our life resembling our status) is an ongoing thing as God forms us into his image.

When our conditional righteousness matches our positional righteousness. That is called glorification. And that will not occure until we are ressurected.

sadly until then, we still have self to contend with. And self will not be completely defeated until that day we are given new bodies
Aug 20, 2021
This one thing I know,Jesus said we must love God with all our heart,soul and mind and secondly love thy neighbor as THYSELF. Mt.22:35-40 (all the law and prophets hang on these)

He said in John 13:34/35 he was giving us a NEW commandment to love one another as HE HAS LOVED US . By doing such shall people know we are his disciples.

Works as a believer are NOT the rituals of the law given to the Hebrews but are the outpouring of Christ love to others....spread the gospel,feed the hungry,visit the orphans and widows and those in prison ect. ect.

The veil in the Temple was torn from top to bottom,it's presence before had separated the people from God except by the priest who could enter the holy of holies . Their Messiah had closed that separation but they refused.

How anyone can think the Law given to the Jewish nation is for us as believers in Christ are sadly misguided.
However knock yourself out trying to keep them,ALL of them you must or you break them ALL!
I think all things work together for them including the law.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2021
because of ignorance. if they knew what they did, not only if they were to learn with their mind, but with their hearts, they would 'see'. and seeing.... begin to repent.
because of ignorance. if they knew what they did, not only if they were to learn with their mind, but with their hearts, they would 'see'. and seeing.... begin to repent.
Repentance is for those whom God knew before the world was created.
That which demonstrates opposition to the truth of God's words will never be changed by us. Remember the Pharaoh whom Moses approached in seeking mercy for the Hebrew slaves?
I AM sent me.
However, I AM hardened Pharaoh's heart before Moses arrived. As a consequence Pharaoh couldn't have freed the Hebrew slaves in the beginning. No matter the curses I AM caused the innocent Egyptian people who had no power of persuasion over Pharaoh suffered. Only in God's own time, when a day can be like unto a thousand years and a thousand years like unto a day, would Pharaoh be able to relent and let God's people go.

The hard hearts encountered in forums about this topic, about eternal irrevocable Salvation, about Baptism, about the New Covenant and the Law of Christ, and other truths, are such because it is God's will. Just as it was with Pharaoh.

It serves as a lesson that is woven all through the scriptures. Where there is God there are enemies of God. We navigate this world bearing his armor and the truth of his word that sustains us against all strongholds set against his truth. God didn't promise living as redeemed Saved reborn Baptized Holy Spirit filled Christ like people was going to be easy. He said it was going to be hard, but not impossible with God as our guide.

Darkness doesn't flee the light of its own free will.