You are following Stella Imanuel? She belongs to the frontline doctors, right? .She claimes that wearing masks and distance dont help to reduce the spreading of the virus, without given any proof for that claim. But you can find studies where it is testet that a distance from 1,5 - 2m have an result.
Also she claimes that reptileoids ruling the goverments or that the dna from aliens is used for medical treatment.
She claimes to healed hundred's of people from covid with Hydroxychloroquin, but cant proof it.
It is proofed that Hydroxychloroquin can make serious sideeffects and it is not shure that it realy helpes. So to spread Hydroxychloroquin like the vaccine can result in the same Dilemma of sideeffects. More over Hydroxy can cause liver and kidneycollaps or heartarrhytmics. That you still defend it as correct, while you damn the vaccine. This is not logic.
This side is german, but gives you the sources from the studies ( most english) which saying Hydroxychloroquin is not helping against covid or is useful for prevention.
Also she claimes that reptileoids ruling the goverments or that the dna from aliens is used for medical treatment.
She claimes to healed hundred's of people from covid with Hydroxychloroquin, but cant proof it.
It is proofed that Hydroxychloroquin can make serious sideeffects and it is not shure that it realy helpes. So to spread Hydroxychloroquin like the vaccine can result in the same Dilemma of sideeffects. More over Hydroxy can cause liver and kidneycollaps or heartarrhytmics. That you still defend it as correct, while you damn the vaccine. This is not logic.
This side is german, but gives you the sources from the studies ( most english) which saying Hydroxychloroquin is not helping against covid or is useful for prevention.
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