Thanks for all the replies and feedback. The problem is partially self esteem on my part. I probably shouldn't have said anything. I am sorry and I ask your forgiveness if I was in any way rude or inconsiderate. I certainly never meant to "obligate" anyone to reply. Maybe I should just leave CC. Even negative feedback can be helpful if spoken in love. It hurts being the last one picked for teams and it hurts when it seems every other thread has at least one reply and mine has none. Those that have replied I really appreciated. I just figured the problem was me esp being new and all. Then I got to feeling that maybe others felt the same way. Apparently I was wrong, thats right ladies mark it in your calendars a man admitted he was wrong.

Anyway I am sorry that I spoke such harsh words in this post. I realize this does not make it right, nor is it an excuse, however I truly did not mean any offense and I thank you for your replies and the insights. -Bob