Seriously, however, I do find you have to be commended on your self awareness and just wanting to please the Lord by brining this into captivity. The hardest fought battles are the ones with our own flesh. I would just keep being aware and wanting to please the Lord as you have shown. I would throw in some prayer and fasting as well. Fasting has helped me to get control of my flesh at times. Denial of my flesh for food has just built up my spiritual man in the fast and the prayer. Has just shown me that God really is faithful. That if I truly knock or truly seek, God does answer.
It is his will to burn away our chaff and remake us into the image of his son. So just keep up the fight and wish I could say that one battle won, ends the war. Have found for myself at least this is not the case depending how long the devil had to build a stronghold in my life.
So just keep up the good fight against your flesh and I commend ya bro that you wanna please the Lord and do what he finds right and good. I will be praying for you myself cause our flesh never wants to go quick and easy into the abyss.
It is his will to burn away our chaff and remake us into the image of his son. So just keep up the fight and wish I could say that one battle won, ends the war. Have found for myself at least this is not the case depending how long the devil had to build a stronghold in my life.
So just keep up the good fight against your flesh and I commend ya bro that you wanna please the Lord and do what he finds right and good. I will be praying for you myself cause our flesh never wants to go quick and easy into the abyss.
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