I think a good, Q, zere, er, questions, or, I mean, what I really mean is a question followed by a question and a question and a question is a good thread with many answers made by you here others, Including nods and julieannie and the humor too, dryly wrought by nuked
Well, what I'm perfectly trying to say here, trying, is to say that we humans make mistakes all the times, we don't have a chance of EVER being perfect (which is meaning sinning no more) because Jesus was the only person ever who was sinless, without sin, he, as a human on planet Earth, was perfect.
Someone who is game can find scripture in the bible stating this fact too and I paraphrase what Jesús said after others brought Him to Mary Magdalene, who was a prostitute: He who is without sin among you, you large crowd of gatherers , and ye who be perfect , you then get to go up in her face now and scream, SINNER!
Needless to say, no one said anything.
All the sudden the crowd's perfect thinking was made out for what each one of them be: wretched.
--God never says anywhere in scripture we are to be perfect , He already knows we can't be. Therefore, we are to strive to be like Jesús I think scripture says. God says in scripture to somewhere my point that we are made to do GOOD and not be PERFECT.
He who began a good work in you will complete it, scripture says and that's a direct quote pretty much.