My housecleaning was just interrupted by a gf who said that a guy she thought might "turn into something" was flirting around with someone else, but she was "going to fight for him".
How do you all feel about that "fighting for someone" thing?
To me, someone either wants to be with you or they don't. Seems like if you have to "fight for them" it's because:
1. They are just not as into you as you might think;
2. You're probably on their "just friends" list;
3. They might be a player;
4. They will need you to "fight for them" throughout whatever relationship you might have with them because they are insecure and will need that sort of constant emotional re-enforcement, which can get VERY old, VERY quickly.
If I like someone and they give me the idea that they like me too, and I see them leading someone else on, game over. You're either in or out.
I don't think she cared much for my thoughts on the topic.
What say you?