Only if we REPENT and TURN, that is the whole point, God wants us to TURN from our Sin Nature, the curse we received from listening to Satan, and to TURN unto His ways with the HELP of the Holy Spirit. So, Gd wants to TRANSFOEM US, so in essence, God will FORGIVE NOTHIG, without repentance, if others tell you different hey are fibbing or else jus do not understand the facts.
James 4:3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
So THEY DO ASK, but they asked AMISS to consume it upon their own lusts.
Or in real time ask and don't receive of God because you are asking with wrong motives, whereby you will be able to consume these pleasures for your own selfish purposes.
So, if I drink to get drunk, go to Church and "ASK God" to forgive me, He will not forgive me if in my own heart He knows that I am not even thinking about quitting, why should he? Now, if a truly TURN and in my heart I intend to never drink to get drunk again, God will the forgive me, and if a slip up, He will again forgive me, but only if in my heat I intend not to do it again. So, if someone is arrogant and prideful, they must TURN from that to get forgiveness.
Its not you nature per se, God created us perfectly, we gained Satan's Nature (DNA) by following his advice. We were created in Gods IMAGE not Satan's image, so Jess Sacrifice is a blood sacrifice to TRANSFORM us from our Satanic Nature to God's Nature, we do tat by turning unto God.