Though I haven't struggled with pornography, I can tell you it's like any other habitual sin. And the problem with habitual sin is that:
1) It's a habit, so your body gains comfort from it--you feel security from things you do habitually.
2) You can take away the action, but that won't eradicate the problem.
Though I wish I could tell you that those programs work (like covenanteyes), it really doesn't solve the root of the problem. The root of the problem is where you need to address with the Lord. Let's say instead of porn, your struggle was lying and you were a pathological liar. If you told yourself "everytime I feel the urge to lie, I'm going to stop talking." That's a great idea and it will prevent you from lying, but it doesn't deal with the internal issue. The bigger question would be: why do I feel the need to lie? Perhaps you feel unloved or unimportant and so you want to lie to gain approval. That would be the issue to deal with.
So back to pornography: what is the real issue? Where does the actual desire come from? Yea, we could blame the object itself saying that it's addicting and appealing (which is part of the problem), but deep down what God-sized need are you filling? What need in your heart are you trying to comfort yourself instead of with the Lord? For some of the people I know who struggle with porn, the need is feeling desired, wanted, or important. For other people it's the need to control--their lives are really stressful and they feel the need to control something like their body (this is also a root for eating disorders).
Long story short--I encourage you to really search your heart. Like David cries out in Psalm 139:23-24 "Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!" With any sin in your life, it is important to find the core and ask the Lord to eradicate that. External actions are just the signs of inward struggle.