Ok, so that wasn't nice. I tried to edit, but it took me too long. I apologize. However, I don't understand the attitude of "THIS DOESN'T APPLY TO ME AND I AM OFFENDED." If it doesn't apply to you, then don't get upset like you're getting hit between the eyes.
It's not just you, Cabbage. I see it from other young people, too. The more I think about it, the more it fits in exactly with what we're talking about here. Emotional fragility is the most important thing about young people. Their personal feelings are supposed to not only be really important to others, but DEMAND that others change their opinions taking those feelings into consideration. The less the feelings of a young person change my opinions, the more upset they get. Like they're baffled that someone wouldn't immediately fold after they said they were hurt! Isn't it absurdly arrogant to think that your personal drama and emotional issues should mean soooo much to complete strangers?
I know it's a touchy subject, but if you can't take the heat get out of the oven lol No one is forcing you to read this or reply.
I know I come off as harsh sometimes, especially on this message board. However, it doesn't come from a hateful place and I don't set out to hurt people's feelings. I just don't put as much weight on emotions as I do ideas and truth when it comes to talking to a bunch of total strangers on a message board. There are things said on this message board that I find offensive and that bother me quite a bit... but I can't assume the person saying it means to hurt me because they don't know me. They aren't even addressing me.
Anyway, as usual, I apologize for my response. It was out of line and rude.
I do hope, however, that you can read this thread without thinking it's all about you. You see yourself as different from your peers. I'm interested to know why.