No ones forcing you to stay a christian

Go ahead and try being an atheist for awhile, or whatever you want to be. I've turned my back on Christianity a couple times, ok maybe more than a couple times in the past. We all have freewill right? God doesn't want you to feel you HAVE to be christian.
You seem to know what the rules of christianity are and decided that its not for you. Thats fine. I know that nothing anyone can say will change your mind. No one is going to punish you or laugh at you for walking away from the faith. Everyone has their reasons. We have a reason for staying, you have a reason for leaving.
Theres no point in arguing about it....that goes for everyone. A heart thats set is a heart thats SET. If you want to walk away then go for it. Chrisitanity is not for everyone. No one said it was logically sound and made perfect sense. If it was, we wouldn't need faith
Note: Im not trying to get rid of you. Im just saying that this going back and forth about it is really just wasting everyone's time and energy.