Not totally accurate.
Attraction can be based on a multitude of factors.
While I do think some people are born gay, or at least have obvious 'differences' from near birth, I don't think every homosexual is that way because they can't help it or something. There is really no denying that sexual confusion can lead to homosexuality and that sexual confusion can be caused by a number of things.
I think physical sexual confusion can make it complex. Like when a child is born with both genitalia, how do they know what they choose is homosexuality?
I thing you must be substituting your incorrect interpretation for my actual intent. I honestly have little idea where you're getting your 'borderline hate speech' idea from. Heck, I barely even know what that means, but for the record, there was not one iota of hate from end.
'Queer' is generally considered offensive to the homosexual community, which makes it hate speech. If you don't mean it in a hateful way, don't say it. Btw, I realize I might sound rude through text, but I'm not trying to be, promise it. I'm just sayin'.
And for everyone with their 'born that way' explanation, we're all born a lot of 'ways' that aren't okay.
If you're saying homosexuals are born attracted to the same sex, that would insinuate that pedophiles are born attracted to children. Which isn't okay, right?
So, that reasoning is invalid, unless you want to argue that it's okay to be a pedophile...