Could you PM me these articals, links, books and documentary titles? I would greatly appreciate it.
I will be happy to tomorrow, but right now it's 11 here and I have to wake up at 7, so I'm going to do it when I have more time to find you good, reliable sources.
ok so tell me, if you didnt take these verses literally and if you looked at them figuratively then tell me if the message would change. if you look at these verses figuratively when god says it is not okay to be homosexual does it flip and mean its okay? so does that mean that we should reverse the whole bible and everything that it says that we should do we wont do? friend i hope that you understand iam not attacking you but merely letting you know that you are twisting and contorting the good word
I look at the verses that speak about homosexuals and read them in relation to the speech of the time period in which it was written, and the different meanings they held. I researched the language of that time and saw that the therm "homosexual" could mean things besides our modern definition.
As for interpretation... if one were to sit down and read Sodom and Gomorrah, taking every word literally, then they would most likely come to the conclusion that it condemns homosexual behavior, and that is why God destroyed those cities. However, if one reads deeper into it, they see that it may instead be focusing on rape, as the men were intent on raping the angels, rather than have sex with them. It may also be interpreted that the story is referring to hospitality. I do not think the bible is black and white with anything it says, and I believe nearly every verse can be read differently, depending on who reads it and the context. As for the verses referring directly to homosexuals, I think, as I said above, that it has to be read in consideration with translation and historical context.