Seeing as my ex-mother-in-law was a Jehovah's Witness who bombarded me with tracts, books, and lectures that hell was not a real place, I obviously opted for the (Jehovah's) Witness Protection Program...
I was walking across a bridge with my Mom in Las Vegas a few years ago and a guy who was probably younger than me was standing on the bridge, calling out to people as they went by, "Doesn't it bother you that you're going to hell?" This style of "witnessing" REALLY bothers me. I mean, it tempts ME to be confrontational because I want to tell the person, "I'm not going to hell, but thank you for your concern." (I don't mean that in arrogance... as Christians, we are allowed to be confident in our salvation.)
I am much more into relational Christianity. I have sometimes worked with a person for years before I invite them to church. But, by that time, I know the names and ages of their children, family, and pets... I know a bit about their life history, dreams, and disappointments.
It always amazes me that some of the most "in-your-face" Christians who can quote the entire Bible in a flash... have never once lovingly invited anyone to church. I guess if they feel their calling is yelling at and judging people, so be it. But I would rather talk to a an open-minded non-Christian a hundred times over than someone with this type of "style."