I don't like to iron either, Phil, but I like sharp creases in my slacks (yes, Stilly, I said SLACKS again haha), so it's one of life's evils. My arms would have to be broken before I would want a guy to touch my clothes with an iron.
I also don't like to dry dishes. They will dry themselves.
I will go to Lowe's or Home Depot with you, but I will probably wander off to the parts of the store that interest me...most likely the garden center.
Catching up with your buddies is something you can do by yourself. I really don't need to be the only woman there.
I don't care about sports stats either, Nuke. I will watch the game/play the game, but stats????????? zzzzzzzzzzzz *snort* zzzzzzzzzz
I have a
basic concept of how my car, washer, mower and weedeater work. I'm okay with that. Just fix it or tell me we need a new one.