The Bible says the head of Christ is God,and the head of man is Christ,and the head of the woman is man,and women ought to have power on their heads because of the angels,for the women are above the angels.
This is the authority structure of God on earth,so that things get done in an orderly fashion,and things run smoothly.
But some people take this ought of context and and act is if the man has leadership in areas he does not,like the world will when they say listen to me,wanting the women to obey something that is not in the man's jurisdiction and in a wrong way.
When the man is the head of woman,it means all things pertaining to God,that the man is to lead the household in the ways of God,and not after the lusts of the man in a bossy fashion,so it is like the woman is listening to God,and the man has no arrogance about it.
Also the woman is a help mate and can participate,but the man is to lead the household in the ways of God,and not in the fashion that everything has to be what I want to do as far as activities for that would not be fair.They cannot be the head as far as the world does things,where men act unseemly towards their wives.That authority structure of God does not sit well with the world,as both man and woman and children all want to exalt themselves above each other,wanting their own way,and that authority structure is not for the world,but those that are with Christ because the world does not want it.
Jesus said that whoever is the greatest,let him be a servant,like Jesus who is the greatest became a servant,so the man being the head of the woman would mean that the man is the servant of the woman and the household to do the will of God,which Jesus said the man is to love his wife as Christ loves the Church.
God has to have an authority structure like the world has an authority structure in government,school,business,and such,but when observing the world,men,and maybe some who claim Christ,act unseemingly in that situation,out of arrogance,or control,it would make some women have the wrong impression of what God means by the man being the head of the household,but the man being the head is only leading the household in the ways of God,like a servant of the Lord,and not out of arrogance or control on the man's part,and to be a servant as Christ was a servant when on earth.
Me personally,I have never been one to want to control a woman,because how can you have a loving relationship with a woman if you want to control her,then she is like a material object.
Some men in the world think I am the man,we are going here tonight,we are doing this tonight,we are eating this,and buying that,and no back talk,but that is the world,and not what God means,but the man is to lead in the ways of God,which is all love,like Christ loves the Church,in which Christ was a servant and did not boss people about what to do but follow God and His ways,and the woman does not have to listen if it is not in accordance with God in how He should act,but listen to God.