Horoscopes are nothing more than Idolatry. (Idols are things you put your Faith in other than God) How can the stars know anything about you?
The Zodiac is actually a perversion of the Hebrew Mazzaroth - which tells the story of Salvation. Betula - (Virgo) is holding a branch in her hand - (Tzemach). The Zodiac has this in its drawings but there is no meaning in it. The Mazzaroth teaches that the Virgin will give birth to the Righteous Branch - (Tzemach) - which is Christ. The Branch of Jesse - the line of David. That is but one example.
Bottom line - Satan is NOT original. He is a visious copycat - a fake! Everything is God's! The Stars, created on the fourth Day are, "for Times and Seasons" not for divination. YHVH uses the Moon and the Stars to mark His Appointed Times - (Leviticus 23). Satan has ALWAYS tried to steal them.
Leave anything that Satan has stolen behind.
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Yes! Leave it. Or, you shall become the OWNER of a lonely heart, you will indeed be completely filled at first before he takes what you thought was yours, leaving you empty, craving, for what can only be given by God that can not and will not ever go from your life-- the joy of God himself, given, freely, to you.
---hmmmpf, green. And , what in praytell did that have to do with this thread what you just said???
Cling to that which is good, like bling. (Just kidding, but, of course, if you don't believe me , ask the dishes, and, they don't say they believe you, ask the grey stuff, they always say it's delicious.
Satan can be smooth can't he (just ask Eve), the answers you want are soooo just around his corner.
So, if you read a horoscope are you trying to tell us it's o p e n ing the gate to sin, for Satan to come on in?
Absolutely, no doubt, as julieannie, gimzani, et al, have said.
I may be still playing Dévil's advocate with this next part (zeroturb is standing in a corner somewhere now smiling, temporarily unattached from the 'hole in his soul.'
The daily horoscope , what could be an exceptive reason to read that predictive bit of advice. Ever? Never? Or, when could the stars in the sky tell you something astrologically good? Again, the question is, could they ever reveal something good for your life. How?
-----Well , you are single, I am too so, if you can (not required) , keep your answers unraveling with singleness in mind. The frustrAtions of singleness!
---one last thing.....remember, in the bible, the part where Jesús did judge others on Earth, those moneychangers setting up tables to sell their wares in the church were definitely judged by Him.
But this thread is NOT the place to be judging others, state your opinion and let others do so, too. And God only knows our heart, our true reasons for why we do the things we do, and, why we say the things we say. Good or bad, God knows (Samuel 16:7).
Remember this too, by what means did God use to show the three wiseman how to find the baby, Jesus? Did they just get lucky and counted their lucky stars they found that tub of goo in a manager?
A star. Right, that's how God showed the wisest of men how to find that tub of goo, Jesus.
The stars in the sky can not then be used for an 'astrology' good? Absolutely, they sure can . Remember this too , per scripture , I think pretty sure (in 4 gospels), God is the same today, as yesterday, as will be forevermore.
----Remember, state your opinion mercifully, humbly, per the subject matter. I encourage you to pray before you leave it. THIS topic is serious stuff and I would not want any of my brothers or sisters in Christ, hurt, nor feeling blamed, from what you , or , I, too, have said.
God bless your Sundays.