I think being healthy is important. I have a theory about eating "right" and exrcising though that may not mtch up with what most people think.
I don't think that working out at a gym is necessary or should be expected of most people. It can be expensive and many cannot afford it or it may not be in a good location near them. The problem is that now a days, most of us have lifestyles that are not physically demanding and so we tend to "have to" work out in a gym in order to stay "fit".
I do think we should do as much as we can in order to be healthy but I also know that our views on what a healthy person looks like aren't always correct. I view health as what and how much I eat, physical activity, mental and spiritual well being as well.
I know alot of unhealthy thin people too. I bet y'all know them as well. The ones that eat whatever they wnat and don't gain a thing. Never excersize and smoke and drink as well
I was born fat. Was a chubby kid and still am overweight. I have a fairly active lifestyle and don't eat junk food very regulaly. (although recently with home renovations and lack of kitchen use, I havn't had much choice the past week)
Some people don't seem to understand that just because you are "overweight" it does not mean you are not active. I play with the dogs, do my own yard work as well as all my own home renovations and when it comes down to it I am still overweight. I have tried everythng in the book to lose weight and never seem to lose more than a few pounds, including personal trainers and working out in a gym a couple hours a day 5 days a week. At one point I started gaining weight from the muscle mass I put on.
I have also realized thru trial and error, that "eating right" is not a one size fits all program. What one person can lose weight on another cannot.
I guess I really just don't like the attitude that if you are fat/overweight/chubby that you are lazy and eat too much. Because though I am considered to be overweight, I am none of those things. I have even competed in some physical challenges. I loved the way people looked at me as I climbed 34 flights of stairs a couple of years ago. Yes, I am here, I will not be last and I certainly won't pass out like the guy on flight 17. Watch your step.