I am currently engaged to be married and have been with my fiance for a little over 2 years. Prior to meeting her, I was involved in immorality. Although I was a Christian at the time, I did stumble and sin. I knew it was wrong and that I shouldn't do it, but I did it anyway. My fiance is a virgin. I never knew when would be appropriate to bring it up with my fiance. It certainly didn't seem like a first date kind of topic. However, after we'd been together for a few months I wondered if I told her then if she'd get miffed and wonder why I didn't tell her at the outset. I feel like I need to tell her, but I'm not sure if this is something worth breaking up over or if it's something that other Chrisitian couples deal with and work past. Also, if/when I do bring the topic up, I don't know how much detail to share. Is it enough to say "I've sinned and had sex before" or do I need to tell how many times etc???