I suppose I should answer my own questions, huh? 
Has visiting the singles forum been helpful to you? If so, how so? I'm not as closed off/compartmentalized as I was when I came here. It's been pretty cool to be able to crack the shell open a bit and feel somewhat human again.
What have you learned most about relationships from reading these threads? In my work everyday I see the RESULTS of the pain most people are suffering, but I don't think I fully realized the depth of much of it and how common some things really are, such as abuse and mental illness. Makes me want to be a better listener. There's a world full of people, but so many feel so isolated.
What have you learned about the opposite gender from reading these threads? I've learned that, for all of their "problem solving" perspectives (and that's a GOOD thing, I'm NOT mocking; it's what guys do and it's why we need them), men still want the happily ever after too. It's a pleasant surprise.
Have you learned anything about yourself by coming here? I think the Lord has shown me that I have more to offer than I realized and should be doing far more for the Kingdom than I have been.
I agree that sometimes we really go head-to-head (though, thankfully, not nearly as often as some of the forums). I'm probably as guilty as the next person. I'm thankful when a friend taps me on the shoulder and says, hey...enough already. You're wasting your time and you don't need this.
As for the silliness..yeah. We do get a little silly and derail from time to time, but hopefully at a point when most of the important stuff has been addressed and further posts would be redundant. Even if not, a break in the intensity can be good too so that we don't reach critical mass. I don't know about anyone else, but I do enough serious on a daily basis. I need a LITTLE levity. Some of the folks here are among the sharpest I've met and I appreciate them more than they know. <3
Has visiting the singles forum been helpful to you? If so, how so? I'm not as closed off/compartmentalized as I was when I came here. It's been pretty cool to be able to crack the shell open a bit and feel somewhat human again.
What have you learned most about relationships from reading these threads? In my work everyday I see the RESULTS of the pain most people are suffering, but I don't think I fully realized the depth of much of it and how common some things really are, such as abuse and mental illness. Makes me want to be a better listener. There's a world full of people, but so many feel so isolated.
What have you learned about the opposite gender from reading these threads? I've learned that, for all of their "problem solving" perspectives (and that's a GOOD thing, I'm NOT mocking; it's what guys do and it's why we need them), men still want the happily ever after too. It's a pleasant surprise.
Have you learned anything about yourself by coming here? I think the Lord has shown me that I have more to offer than I realized and should be doing far more for the Kingdom than I have been.
I agree that sometimes we really go head-to-head (though, thankfully, not nearly as often as some of the forums). I'm probably as guilty as the next person. I'm thankful when a friend taps me on the shoulder and says, hey...enough already. You're wasting your time and you don't need this.
As for the silliness..yeah. We do get a little silly and derail from time to time, but hopefully at a point when most of the important stuff has been addressed and further posts would be redundant. Even if not, a break in the intensity can be good too so that we don't reach critical mass. I don't know about anyone else, but I do enough serious on a daily basis. I need a LITTLE levity. Some of the folks here are among the sharpest I've met and I appreciate them more than they know. <3