Who wrote the book of Hebrews?

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2020
From what I can see, Paul rarely reached out to Jews in letters though there is some proof he did so at least one time. Personally, I think the writing style of Hebrews is unlike Paul’s. There also isn’t an opening greeting or salutation included among many other things.

Someone cited a pretty interesting article as to why it isn’t like Paul’s writings above.

Anyway you’re right it is debatable, but I’m just sharing my beliefs about what I think. I think that’s okay as long as people don’t see it as a hill to die on then there is no debate to be had here.
in the end it really doesn’t matter who wrote it we know for sure a group of editors and wise Christian’s wrote it

brother just consider it’s subject matter how the book starts out and what it’s talking about or rather who and what it’s talking about

“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭1:1-4‬ ‭

consider that everything we know of God in the Old Testament and New Testament was first spoken to Jews who wrote these things down from genesis to revelation. Those things given to them are now sent to all
People the exact same understandings of thoer God is what we need to accept about our God oir God is the God of Israel in the Old Testament and we as well as they are his people we aren’t two groups needing two messages but the gentiles are being gethered into osraels doctrine and promises in the New Testament

even though a few of the epistles are addressed to former Jews this doesn’t mean it’s not for gentiles because we are the same in the same group

they had a history of their scriptures it’s what defined thier nation those scriptures in the ot that ll Christian’s now have are the same message fornfentiles as was given to Jews forst in the end a man is a man and needs Jesus and the same messa he whether Jew or gentile


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2020
I believe he is saying certain arguments may need to be made and others not. Look at the differences in the gospels of Mark and Matthew. The first is written to Gentiles and the latter to Jews. The first uses less quotations and speaks in even different geological language. The latter is heavy with OT quotations and you can actually see in the travels of Jesus a parallel to that of the nation of Israel.
Paul himself when addressing a Jewish audience began with a discussion of how the Messiah was to suffer before sharing the gospel of Christ .
“I believe he is saying certain arguments may need to be made and others not”

can either of you tell Me what is different about a former Jew converting to Jesus or a former gentile converting to him ?

is your argument Jews need to repent but gentiles don’t ? Jews need to believe the gospel but gentiles don’t ? What is this big difference in the message ?

I’m completely open but can you offer me an example as to how a Jew and gentile need to hear something different ?

What would even one difference be in the message or argument your speaking of ?

See if this makes any sense it’s Peter converting gentiles with the same message they had been given

“Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:) that word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judæa, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached; how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree: him God raised up the third day, and shewed him openly; not to all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to us, who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead. And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead. To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter, Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭10:34-48‬


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2020
I believe he is saying certain arguments may need to be made and others not. Look at the differences in the gospels of Mark and Matthew. The first is written to Gentiles and the latter to Jews. The first uses less quotations and speaks in even different geological language. The latter is heavy with OT quotations and you can actually see in the travels of Jesus a parallel to that of the nation of Israel.
Paul himself when addressing a Jewish audience began with a discussion of how the Messiah was to suffer before sharing the gospel of Christ .
“The first is written to Gentiles and the latter to Jews.”

why would you think this ? The gospel is four accounts of the same thing your meant to take the four accounts as one single witness so you have a full view

“This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭13:1‬ ‭


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2019
That’s interesting in that Paul wrote to them, but Hebrews lacks many of Paul’s characteristic writing styles. Plus we don’t even know what Paul wrote to them or why. The letter Peter was referring to is probably a lost letter that we don’t have or wasn’t lucky enough to make into Biblical canon.
yes and no. I understand the premise of a potentially different author - there are a couple reasons the theory exists. First, while Paul always quoted from or paraphrased from the Masoretic text when speaking to Gentiles, Hebrews uses the Septuagint. Also, it's missing the normal salutations usually seen in Paul's letters.

However, it's very much Paul's teaching and even Timothy was spoken of; a person only Paul ever spoke of. The fact is Paul could have asked someone like Luke to write it for him, which would account for what we see as potential discrepancies. It's either that or Paul intentionally used the Septuagint; for explaining the Christian faith to Jews the Septuagint is definitely the way forward, IMHO.

In the end, you truly can't read Hebrews and not see Paul in it on every line, which is why the Church has historically attributed it's authorship to Paul.


Jesus is Lord
May 19, 2022
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (II Tim. 3:16-17)

Whenever the epistle to the Hebrews is mentioned, one of the first questions that is inevitably asked is the following:

Who is the author?

Although the answer to this question has been a matter of endless debate, we know, of a certainty, that God is the one who ultimately authored it via the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the light of the above text. In other words, no matter who the human author was that God used to pen this epistle, it truly is the Divinely-inspired Word of God.

That said, there are some witnesses within the epistle itself which give us some clues as to who the human author was.

For example, we read:

“For ye had compassion of me IN MY BONDS, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance.” (Heb. 10:34)

Whoever the human author was, he was clearly “in bonds” at some point in time.

Furthermore, we read:

“Know ye that OUR BROTHER TIMOTHY is set at liberty; with whom, if he come shortly, I will see you. Salute all them that have the rule over you, and all the saints. THEY OF ITALY salute you.” (Heb. 13:23-24)

Whoever the human author was, he also referred to “our brother Timothy” who had been with him in Italy.

With these clues before us, I’d like to suggest Paul as the probable candidate for human authorship.


Well, for starters, we know that Paul was imprisoned in Rome, which is in Italy, and some of his epistles bear witness of this truth.

For example, we read:

“But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel; So that MY BONDS IN CHRIST are manifest in all the palace, and in all other places; And many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by MY BONDS, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.” (Phil.1:12-14)

“All the saints salute you, chiefly THEY THAT ARE OF CAESAR’S HOUSEHOLD.” (Phil. 4:22)

Paul wrote his epistle to the Philippians while in “bonds” in Rome, which is in Italy, and which is where “Caesar’s household” was.

If you recall, Paul appealed unto Caesar (Acts 25:11-12) while on trial in Caesarea (Acts 23:33), and he was ultimately sent to Italy to stand trial before Caesar there:

“Then said Agrippa unto Festus, This man might have been set at liberty, IF HE HAD NOT APPEALED UNTO CAESAR. AND WHEN IT WAS DETERMINED THAT WE SHOULD SAIL INTO ITALY, they delivered Paul and certain other prisoners unto one named Julius, a centurion of Augustus' band.” (Acts 26:32-27:1)

Additionally, please notice how Paul began his epistle from Rome to the Philippians:

“Paul AND TIMOTHEUS, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons:” (Phil. 1:1)

In other words, Timotheus (Timothy) was obviously with Paul in Rome, which is in Italy, at the time of his imprisonment there. We see further evidence of this truth in Paul’s epistle to the Colossians.

There, we read:

“Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and TIMOTHEUS OUR BROTHER,” (Col. 1:1)

“The salutation by the hand of me Paul. REMEMBER MY BONDS. Grace be with you. Amen.” (Col. 4:18)

Again, Timothy was clearly with Paul in Rome, which is in Italy, during the time of his imprisonment there or during the time that he was in “bonds”.

Here is yet another example of this same truth:

“Paul, A PRISONER of Jesus Christ, and TIMOTHY OUR BROTHER, unto Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellowlabourer,” (Phlm. 1:1)

Once more, while Paul was a “prisoner” in Rome, which is in Italy, Timothy was there with him.

There are those who claim that Paul could not be the human author of this epistle because he mentioned “our BROTHER Timothy” (Heb. 13:23). In other words, because Paul elsewhere referred to Timothy as his “son” (I Tim. 1:2, 18, II Tim. 1:2, Phlm. 2:2), they claim that Paul would not refer to Timothy as his "brother" here.

Is this objection valid?

No, it most certainly is not.

Why not?

Because, by mentioning “our BROTHER Timothy”, Paul may have actually clearly identified himself as being the human author.

Why do I say this?

Because, besides the mention of “our BROTHER Timothy” in Hebrews 13:23, there are only 4 other places in the New Testament where Timothy is referred to as “our BROTHER”, and all 4 times it is Paul who addresses him in such a manner.

We read:

“Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and TIMOTHY OUR BROTHER, unto the church of God which is at Corinth, with all the saints which are in all Achaia:” (II Cor. 1:1)

“Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and TIMOTHEUS OUR BROTHER,” (Col. 1:1)

“Wherefore when we could no longer forbear, we thought it good to be left at Athens alone; And sent TIMOTHEUS, OUR BROTHER, and minister of God, and our fellowlabourer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith:” (I Thess. 3:1-2)

“Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and TIMOTHY OUR BROTHER, unto Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellowlabourer,” (Phlm. 1:1)

There are some other indicators which point to Paul probably being the human author of this epistle, and there are also other indicators which some errantly claim point away from the same.

Anyhow, good luck (not that I believe in luck) proving that Peter, Barnabas, Luke, or anybody else was imprisoned in Italy with Timothy.

Scripture itself certainly seems to indicate that Paul was the human author of the epistle to the Hebrews.


Active member
Jul 29, 2022
I also don't think its Paul as the letter starts out of the blue, and Paul always says his name, I Paul etc. He even tells a church, thats how you know its my writing!
Mar 4, 2020
“I believe he is saying certain arguments may need to be made and others not”

can either of you tell Me what is different about a former Jew converting to Jesus or a former gentile converting to him ?

is your argument Jews need to repent but gentiles don’t ? Jews need to believe the gospel but gentiles don’t ? What is this big difference in the message ?

I’m completely open but can you offer me an example as to how a Jew and gentile need to hear something different ?

What would even one difference be in the message or argument your speaking of ?
The kind of persuasion is entirely different. Would you attempt to reach a non-Jewish person by opening with lines about how temple worship and animal sacrifices aren’t valid? I hope not if you don’t want to confuse them. That’s the point I’m making. The Bible uses this approach, too, depending on who the letter is to.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2022
“The first is written to Gentiles and the latter to Jews.”

why would you think this ? The gospel is four accounts of the same thing your meant to take the four accounts as one single witness so you have a full view

“This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭13:1‬ ‭
Please don't be frustrated as I attempt to respond. I'll try another example. Suppose you are tasked to give a presentation at work. Your speech would use language and information appropriate to the group. It might be highly technical and include jargon pertaining to your area of expertise. Now your son comes to you and asks you to make a presentation to his class on career day. This would require a presentation that was less technical and easier to understand.
To give successful presentations to both groups you will have to give different versions of the same information.
So it is in sharing the gospel with different audiences. Jews would be well acquainted with OT references and can be effectively employed. The same references would not be understood by gentile audiences and may even serve to add confusion.
Hope this explanation helps.
Mar 4, 2020
yes and no. I understand the premise of a potentially different author - there are a couple reasons the theory exists. First, while Paul always quoted from or paraphrased from the Masoretic text when speaking to Gentiles, Hebrews uses the Septuagint. Also, it's missing the normal salutations usually seen in Paul's letters.

However, it's very much Paul's teaching and even Timothy was spoken of; a person only Paul ever spoke of. The fact is Paul could have asked someone like Luke to write it for him, which would account for what we see as potential discrepancies. It's either that or Paul intentionally used the Septuagint; for explaining the Christian faith to Jews the Septuagint is definitely the way forward, IMHO.

In the end, you truly can't read Hebrews and not see Paul in it on every line, which is why the Church has historically attributed it's authorship to Paul.
Or Paul and his companions aren’t the authors. That’s also possible and that’s what I believe.

I can see some points about how maybe it was Paul and I’ve definitely considered those I’m taking the approach of putting all of the evidences for Paul and against Paul into separate piles on a set of scales.

I see the evidence against Paul being the author more weightier since 2 Peter 3:15,16 says that Paul wrote letters. Hebrews isn’t really an epistle or a letter in the traditional sense because it lacks the kind of etiquette, greeting, salutation, and personal touch that letters require.

Hebrews is definitely a sermon not a letter. So the longer I think about it, the bit by Peter saying Paul wrote a letter to them is definitely not talking about the book of Hebrews and a book like Hebrews would definitely fall outside of the scope of Paul’s stated ministry objective.
Sep 1, 2022
One of the thing that always made me think it wasn't Paul was when the author says that salvation was announced by the Lord and confirmed by those who heard him. That doesn't sound like Paul because he always seemed to emphasize that Jesus spoke to him personally so it seems odd to hear him refer to "those who heard him."


Jesus is Lord
May 19, 2022
Good luck to you too.
I don't need luck.

I stick with the inspired scriptures of God, and I can assure you that Peter is never seen anywhere even remotely close to Rome in scripture.
Mar 4, 2020
One of the thing that always made me think it wasn't Paul was when the author says that salvation was announced by the Lord and confirmed by those who heard him. That doesn't sound like Paul because he always seemed to emphasize that Jesus spoke to him personally so it seems odd to hear him refer to "those who heard him."
That’s good point. It’s like the person who wrote that would have had to have been someone who was with Jesus or maybe the author is Jesus Himself? I read a pretty compelling article about a theory Jesus wrote Hebrews. I’m still not ready to accept it, but it makes sense.

Here it is if you’re interested.



Well-known member
Jul 8, 2019
Or Paul and his companions aren’t the authors. That’s also possible and that’s what I believe.

I can see some points about how maybe it was Paul and I’ve definitely considered those I’m taking the approach of putting all of the evidences for Paul and against Paul into separate piles on a set of scales.

I see the evidence against Paul being the author more weightier since 2 Peter 3:15,16 says that Paul wrote letters. Hebrews isn’t really an epistle or a letter in the traditional sense because it lacks the kind of etiquette, greeting, salutation, and personal touch that letters require.

Hebrews is definitely a sermon not a letter. So the longer I think about it, the bit by Peter saying Paul wrote a letter to them is definitely not talking about the book of Hebrews and a book like Hebrews would definitely fall outside of the scope of Paul’s stated ministry objective.
When it was written could explain the sermon aspect - Paul complained repeatedly about some handful of Jewish believers teaching incorrect practices to Gentile believers in Christ (coercing people into getting circumcised according to law etc) in his other letters, so his writing a sermon to set the record straight according to Scripture to the Hebrew Christian exiles makes perfect sense.
Mar 4, 2020
I don't need luck.

I stick with the inspired scriptures of God, and I can assure you that Peter is never seen anywhere even remotely close to Rome in scripture.
I don’t need luck either, I’m just saying good luck because you said it to me first.

Anyway, your write up is rather lengthy and I understand why you think that, but the assertions it puts forward are circumstantial at best.

“Timothy our brother” doesn’t identify which Timothy. In the Bible several different individuals may have the same name; they often don’t try hard to really make distinction. A brother isn’t necessarily spiritual brethren as is the case of James being called the brother of Jesus.

None of those things conclusively identify Paul as the author.

Plus your write up ignores a lot of other evidences against Paul being the author. Anyway, just something to consider. Good luck in your studying of Old Testament Scripture and New Testament letters/books.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2020
Please don't be frustrated as I attempt to respond. I'll try another example. Suppose you are tasked to give a presentation at work. Your speech would use language and information appropriate to the group. It might be highly technical and include jargon pertaining to your area of expertise. Now your son comes to you and asks you to make a presentation to his class on career day. This would require a presentation that was less technical and easier to understand.
To give successful presentations to both groups you will have to give different versions of the same information.
So it is in sharing the gospel with different audiences. Jews would be well acquainted with OT references and can be effectively employed. The same references would not be understood by gentile audiences and may even serve to add confusion.
Hope this explanation helps.
no I’m not frustrated at all with you or anyone else. I was actually asking you to give an example

so your example basically is a person who knows scripture well is going to understand Hebrews better ? Or In Other words , the book of Hebrews makes a better argument if you know the ot scriptures ?

that’s completely agreeable to me but gentiles know scriptire too is the thing since it was sent to all nations and sits on our shelves in the Bible

let me ask you this way “ is there any part of the book of Hebrews that shouldn’t be heard and understood by gentiles or isn’t applicable to gentiles as far as doctrine goes ?


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2020
The kind of persuasion is entirely different. Would you attempt to reach a non-Jewish person by opening with lines about how temple worship and animal sacrifices aren’t valid? I hope not if you don’t want to confuse them. That’s the point I’m making. The Bible uses this approach, too, depending on who the letter is to.
sure I would if they believed in the God of the Bible why wouldn’t I ? Would you not mention the Old Testament scriptures to them ? How could they understand That God created all things ? Without the information in genesis ? How can we understand sin and death without the law ? How can we understand the gospel without the blueprint ?

brother everything in scriptire came first to a Jew

consider that this is one of Hebrews amazing understandings and uses for a believer y believer , that we can’t really learn elsewhere

so you have this event in scriptire

“So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭16:19‬ ‭

Most All Christian’s believe this of course now look at Hebrews value and revelation into the unseen and unknown

“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭1:1-3‬ ‭KJV‬‬

so far is the re anything a gentile shouldn’t hear or believe fully ? Or that won’t benifit then just as a Jew ? Note how it’s opening a window into heaven showing us what happened after he was taken up to show this message consistently unfold in Hebrews

“Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭3:1‬ ‭

“Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:14-16‬ ‭KJV‬

note how this is not going to benefit Jew more than gentile in any way but it’s going to benefit a believer who wants to understand thkngs only the scriptures can show us if we believe we’re seeing into his kingdom oir high or wot in the heavens

“and being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec.

Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing.

For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭5:9-14‬ ‭KJV‬‬

brother Hebrews is that strong meat for either a Jew or gentile who wants to understand the lord and his kingdom as only he can show us in his word it’s not milk for babes it’s meat for maturing and growing strong in understanding and faith

“By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament. And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death: but this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens; who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, when he offered up himself. For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity; but the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is consecrated for evermore.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭7:22-28‬ ‭KJV‬‬

I’ll stop because of length but my point is there’s nothing different about wha there for a Jew or gentile it’s just pore knowledge and revelation of the gospel for all believers

“Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; a minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭8:1-2‬ ‭

it then moves into the heavenly sanctuary and testament on and on. Brother not only is it a valuable book on scripture for all believers other than thy four gospels it is without a doubt the most knowledgeable and informative and edifying book in the entire New Testament

it was definately written to a group of Hebrew believers , but so was everything in scripture before it came to the rest of the world

God chose then to be his messengers to the world what he was teaching them is for everyone and is pure revelation and edification


Senior Member
Jan 13, 2016
2 Timothy 3:16
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

The important thing is that Hebrews was inspired by God and addressed to you and me.
All scripture is written for us, but not all scripture is written to us. Big difference.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2020
One other aspect I would love you to think over is how Paul’s epistles concur with the doctrine found in Hebrews

you see how Hebrews is deeply explaining Christ being at the right hand of God our high priest and intercessor forever now that he was taken into heaven after dying for our sins ? Consider that and then notice Paul’s epistles how he revolves around the points made in the deep waters of Hebrews like a foo ding understanding of things like this

so if we know what Hebrews is saying

“Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭7:25‬ ‭KJV‬‬

when we later read this it fits together for a fuller understanding

Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:33-34‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Can you see how it’s all
One message and each adds a detail and little bit better understanding of the concepts they are all explaining tonthe church ? That’s how the entire Bible works each verse is a brick a single brick and other verses are mortar as we build the prior brick remains nd another is stacked upon it and mortered upon it until you have a solid fluent consistent wall of bricks making one continuous wall but it’s assembled by each brick pit in place Hebrews is on the lower part that other things are built upon until that wall of understanding is solid it’s about growth of faith

it makes it make more sense is my point so when the apostles are making claims like that or this

“My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: and he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for our's only, but also for the sins of the whole world.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭2:1-2‬ ‭KJV‬‬

consider that from this understanding

who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;”

All the Bible wotnesses the same thkngs about Jesus to both Jew and gentile

but I think Paul probably had a hand in it as it’s written by a group it seems the authors consider “ we are writing you “ could be Paul and Timothy Paul and Luke Peter and John and Paul could be James or another apostle ……but truly the Holy Spirit is the author no matter who’s hand held the pen