I agree Judas probably was a believer. He did work miracles in Jesus' Name along with the other 11 Apostles, which does strongly suggest he was, even if perhaps it is not 100% conclusive. I suppose someone could say he was just faking or feigning it or something, though that seems unlikely. But in the end, almost certainly he was not saved, as he didn't persevere in faith in Christ and love for Him. In Him, the first part of what the Lord says in Mat 24:12-13 came to pass. In fact, now that I think about it, many of the passages in the Gospels seem to have been said by Our Lord Jesus Christ specifically aimed and targeted at Judas, and with the intention of trying to save him. Nobody is predestined to damnation; foreseen/foreknown by Almighty God, yes, but not predestined. There is Predestination to Heaven, because Predestination means God is the Author and Cause of our Salvation. But there is no Predestination to Hell, because Man alone is the Author and Cause of his own Damnation, if by his own free-willed choice he deliberately and freely choses to die in impenitence. God loved Judas and tried to save him; that's why He washed his feet etc.
The passage: "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." Because Judas loved money, he committed iniquity, and because he did, he lost his soul imo. Also, the other Apostles faced all the difficulties and trials of the Apostolate; travelling from place to place, not having a settled home, having to flee persecution, often living in poverty, having but little etc, yet by the Power of the Spirit they freely chose that they wanted to love and serve Christ and God helped all of them (except St. John) die as Martyrs for Christ and be saved. As for Saint John the Apostle, Church History records he was burned in boiling oil, but later died a peaceful death in old age.
God Bless.
The passage: "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." Because Judas loved money, he committed iniquity, and because he did, he lost his soul imo. Also, the other Apostles faced all the difficulties and trials of the Apostolate; travelling from place to place, not having a settled home, having to flee persecution, often living in poverty, having but little etc, yet by the Power of the Spirit they freely chose that they wanted to love and serve Christ and God helped all of them (except St. John) die as Martyrs for Christ and be saved. As for Saint John the Apostle, Church History records he was burned in boiling oil, but later died a peaceful death in old age.
God Bless.
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