Hopefully no repeat & more about food so I stop at Sears and my dog Fredric waits in car and I come back with hamburger from Sears cafeteria and when I taste it, well it could gag a maggot, so here you go Fredric and he couldn't eat it either. Sears Craftsman hamburger with life time guarantee probably still exists to this day some where in meta verse possibly. True story. Also reminds me that McD's once had Big n' Tasty burger which surprise was fit for human consumption and that one was eliminated from menu. The book 'Cow' was interesting about 1 cow purchased to follow to end becoming McD's hamburgers. I wonder if McD's Big n' Tasty went due to name Big n' Nasty. Now with agriculture being, right or wrong, vilified for GHG's will that also change husbandry and get better care for animals or worse care and antibiotic reduction which apparently bleeds over to super bug escalation. Maybe feeding animals properly would help.