Money-money, money. Game. Name. Clues. Never be the same. Never Be The Same. Hey, sounds like a song. It is. But THIS, my friends, i$ a GAME !
HEY! Did someone say the word, 'money?????'
A name game. And, don't you LOVE that line from that 1983, Seattle-based movie, War Games? 'Shall we play a game?' And, WHAT a game it was ! Global ThermoNuclear War!! But, that's NOT this game. Thank God ! And, I do, I do, thank Him, Dear Lord, thanks for peace and blessings in our country (bless our policymakers, and, Europe's now with big decisions ahead for their countries economies) and I pray for peace and financial health in ALL parts of the world. God bless Japan! Amen.
Ok, where were we? Well, this can be personal for some, so, for those, don't play this game. The Lord leads.
1. YOUR REAL NAME for ONE $ POINT. (Ex: clue for name, 'George': 'My name is based on a curious monkey.' Clue for name, Nancy: 'I was named after Ronald's wife.') And, I know, these clues assume a knowledge of american lit and culture. Sorry, I don't know what to say to that. Try to make clues universal )
Winner gets $$ (up to $50) deposited into a Paypal account ! I will give a MATCHING GIFT to christian chat too. Game ends..... July 31, Sunday, WATCH that time, MIDNIGHT Pacific Standard Time, because the slippers turn into a couple frogs again
So, let's GO . I hope you are curious of why she's named Sarah !! And, NO, it's NOT after Abraham's wife , or... is it?
The person who has the NAME is judge and jury IF you are to get a point, or two (maximum two points for each name.
Well, let me start us off./
Hmmm, well, ok, clue 1 : My real name (Zere, and, anyone else that knows my real name, please don't guess, and, I won't guess yours either, thanks
) is related to a kids cartoon that was very popular 5 years ago, and, still is today.
Please THEN, after your NAME has been guessed, if you so choose, give people another CLUE for HOW your mom/dad/guardian NAMED you. Were you named after a prince, by George!, or, who knows, by Oliver!, maybe even, a pauper.
The Lord leads, please, keep it real, clean, and, flowing. Check back often and UPDATE us with a NEW clue when name is not guessed, try to check back at least every 2-3 days and reference quote(s) of those that have guessed your name correctly or who are ON THE RIGHT TRACK !
note: I have a feeling this game could go rampant. Does anyone want to keep track of the $$ points? No worries if not, I kept track of the nickname game OK and this one will be kept track of that that way, too
God bless !
And the final words are.... GAME ON ! And, EVERYONE STARTS WITH $10 points so that means YOU are already in the money but only ONE winner and you MUST have a Paypal account set up. Thanks for playing.
HEY! Did someone say the word, 'money?????'
A name game. And, don't you LOVE that line from that 1983, Seattle-based movie, War Games? 'Shall we play a game?' And, WHAT a game it was ! Global ThermoNuclear War!! But, that's NOT this game. Thank God ! And, I do, I do, thank Him, Dear Lord, thanks for peace and blessings in our country (bless our policymakers, and, Europe's now with big decisions ahead for their countries economies) and I pray for peace and financial health in ALL parts of the world. God bless Japan! Amen.
Ok, where were we? Well, this can be personal for some, so, for those, don't play this game. The Lord leads.
1. YOUR REAL NAME for ONE $ POINT. (Ex: clue for name, 'George': 'My name is based on a curious monkey.' Clue for name, Nancy: 'I was named after Ronald's wife.') And, I know, these clues assume a knowledge of american lit and culture. Sorry, I don't know what to say to that. Try to make clues universal )
Winner gets $$ (up to $50) deposited into a Paypal account ! I will give a MATCHING GIFT to christian chat too. Game ends..... July 31, Sunday, WATCH that time, MIDNIGHT Pacific Standard Time, because the slippers turn into a couple frogs again
So, let's GO . I hope you are curious of why she's named Sarah !! And, NO, it's NOT after Abraham's wife , or... is it?
The person who has the NAME is judge and jury IF you are to get a point, or two (maximum two points for each name.
Well, let me start us off./
Hmmm, well, ok, clue 1 : My real name (Zere, and, anyone else that knows my real name, please don't guess, and, I won't guess yours either, thanks
Please THEN, after your NAME has been guessed, if you so choose, give people another CLUE for HOW your mom/dad/guardian NAMED you. Were you named after a prince, by George!, or, who knows, by Oliver!, maybe even, a pauper.
The Lord leads, please, keep it real, clean, and, flowing. Check back often and UPDATE us with a NEW clue when name is not guessed, try to check back at least every 2-3 days and reference quote(s) of those that have guessed your name correctly or who are ON THE RIGHT TRACK !
note: I have a feeling this game could go rampant. Does anyone want to keep track of the $$ points? No worries if not, I kept track of the nickname game OK and this one will be kept track of that that way, too
God bless !
And the final words are.... GAME ON ! And, EVERYONE STARTS WITH $10 points so that means YOU are already in the money but only ONE winner and you MUST have a Paypal account set up. Thanks for playing.