Specific things I remember:
I understand Mary Magdalene, how she wept for her sin, how she loved Him. I do to too. I wrote a poem about that "I am a shanty dwelling". I might as well have been her when she went to see the tomb of Jesus, I felt her panic ...where have they put Him? I know her in these times as if I were her.
Elijah? Go ahead cut yourself, maybe He is on the pot? Then when the prophet prayed the offering was consumed even the water. The power of god. The faith endurance of the prophet!
And His eyes were fire. I see Him loving me and look forward to the times He decides to love me, but I also see His glory, the fire, His appearance. I see his translucent beauty, His face that shows like the sun.
I also now remember why I know God's love (you asked me). I told you I read that God gives good gifts to men. I realized He loved Us, He loved me so generously giving good gifts. After that He has loved me many times and I know it.
Jesus on the cross, Forgive them for they know not what they do.
Jesus washing their feet
Jesus when He talks about us being in heaven with Him
This is my body given for you. This is my blood given for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me.
If you love me do what I tell you to do. The poem The one that loves me.
I understand the Song of Songs. I read that it is suppose to be an erotic writing about marriage. And John of the Cross wrote similar things. I understand that I love Him in a similar manner (not as much as perhaps Solomon or St John of the Cross) but its the same thing. The images and allegories express the love they have for Him and He for them. The very tender feelings and love I have for Him and He for me is the same. So I interpret Song of Songs and St. John of the cross in the same way.
When He said "I love you and you love me" I had very wobbly legs that it was true. But now I know it is true. If He doesn't take me to Himself like I want Him to, He will cause me to grow in love of Him more and be able to understand His heart, what He wants to do, where His spirit is going.