I've had nice dreams, ones I wish I didn't have to wake up from, and nightmares, that I was grateful to awake from.
Nice dream:
I was 6, and loved Godzilla (I know, big surprise). I lost my mind whenever there was a Godzilla movie on TV. Back then, there was no on-demand or VCRs, so we had to wait until the local stations deemed it fitting to broadcast something we wanted to see.
Well, not having that control must have produced this dream: I was holding a mini-TV, about the size of a stick of gum, and I could pick and choose whatever Godzilla movie I wanted to watch and play it at will. This was maybe... 1970 or thereabouts.
About 40 years later, that dream came true.
Not so nice dream:
My house rapidly became infested with large roaches. I will say no more, but I was all too glad to wake up from that one.