It's a challenge to understand what is happening from within. There is an Old Testament writing that expresses who we are definitively, using the one thing we trust most about ourselves. "The things that seem right to a man, leads him to his owe destruction." For months this bothered me. I asked our Father in heaven, why do You make people to do the things that seem right to them, and it leads to their own destruction?"
Then I was shown Adam and Eve, and how they chose to do the things which seemed right to them. What is hidden in this language is Satan's deception.
Its out of Peter's love for Jesus, that he attempted to stop what needed to take place against Jesus. Jesus immediately let us know that was hidden in Peter's love for Him when He said, "Satan get behind Me! For you are mindful of the things of men!" I paraphrased this to reveal what happens when we place our trust in the things which seem right to us.
In the Book of John, Jesus, began a process which needed to take place so that he could see what was hidden from him. At the end of that series of trials, Jesus asked Peter, Do you love Me more than these? In Peter's natural way of thinking, he said, Yes Lord, You know I love You. Then again Jesus asked, Do you love Me? Peter not understanding, said again, Yes Lord, You now I love You. At this very point Jesus led Peter to, Jesus asked Peter again, Do you love Me? At that very moment Peter saw that the one thing he trusted most about himself, is the very thing that Satan used to cause Peter to deny Jesus because Peter loved his religion (people of the temple) more than Jesus. Peter then said, Lord You Know All Things, You know I love You. Throughout the path Peter walked with Jesus, he did according to the things which seemed right to him; and here's the kicker, this is sin which is not known until it is revealed. Jesus said, (paraphrasing) Before you clothed yourself in the security of things which seemed right to you and went where ever you wished. But now that you are older in wisdom, another will clothe you in the security of My knowledge, and take you where you do not wish to go."
You are absolutely correct to say that to interpret our concept of love is flawed. But to deny a person to grow to understand this on a personal plain with Jesus, is not a good thing, It is something to consider then our Heavenly Father said, "My grace is sufficient" There is a law that covers this hidden thing that caused an accidental death ( not knowing)