CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

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Active member
Jan 26, 2023
I was under the impression that many would be duped initially and believe he was the Jewish Messiah.
Interesting thought....

When Christ last came, he attracted many "pagan/gentile" followers and it was the religious folks who were duped... ultimately rejecting the one that the uninitiated readily accepted.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2021
2 Thessalonians 2:4 Context
1Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
And here you go

then there will be tribulation (great)


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2021
Nah. That's not WHEN he is "revealed".

He is "revealed" at the same time as the "whose COMING / ADVENT / ARRIVAL / PRESENCE / PAROUSIA" v.9a of him ("IN HIS TIME"), which is at the START of the "7 yr period"--i.e. the "FOR ONE WEEK [7 yrs]" thing... (not at its MIDDLE, when he does the 2Th2:4b thing "sitteth" LATER).

In fact, Paul REPEATS this SEQUENCE (I'm pointing out ^ about his "revealed" in relation to what other thing...) THREE TIMES in this text / passage. = )

[same SEQUENCE as in all other related passages on this Subject]
Na, thats not it

because there is not an event, all one could do at most is guess


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2018
I was under the impression that many would be duped initially and believe he was the Jewish Messiah.
While that may be true in some [limited] measure, regarding SOME persons (for example, certain ones are instructed to "FLEE" at the time they "SEE" the AOD [MID-point]), here's how I'm seeing the overall time period, and in particular, the time-frame leading UP TO the AOD)... but allow me to set it up again (in case you've not seen my previous posts on the Subject):

--"the beginning of birth PANGS [plural]" ARE EQUIVALENT "the SEALS" of Rev6 (Matt24:4/Mk13:5 being the INITIAL ONE of those, the "KICK-OFF" event, i.e. SEAL #1... the rider on the white horse with a "BOW [/deception]");

--ALL of the "SEALS / TRUMPETS / VIALS" *fit* WITHIN the "IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" time-period, i.e. the "7 yr period" (RATHER THAN the seals unfolding over some-2000-yrs since the first century as the Historicists insist, nor since, say, 1948 as others insist... because SEAL #1 is opened when Jesus will "STAND to JUDGE" [Isa3:13 / Rev5:6], and the "24 elders" wearing "stephanous / crowns" are ALREADY up in Heaven [sitting on "THRONES"] having already been awarded these "crowns" [which Paul said would be awarded "IN THAT DAY" and not to him only] as a RESULT of the wording in 5:4 "WAS FOUND" indicating that a "searching judgment" has ALREADY BEEN CONCLUDED (JUST LIKE this word is used in the latter parts of Acts, where Paul had been brought before their human/earthly "bema");

--this means that "the beginning of birth PANGS" (Matt24:4-8) equivalent the SEALS are taking place IN THE FIRST HALF of the 7 yrs (so will 4 of the Trumpets), that is ALL OF VERSES 4-14 is occurring AFTER / FOLLOWING "our Rapture"!!... whereas the AOD doesn't yet take place till MID-point... ; SO, WHAT DO WE SEE in the passage FROM Matt24:4 TO Matt24:14 when at v.15 the MID-point comes (what is shown in vv.4-14?? Anyone being persecuted at all?? YES!! I believe these are the SAME persons that chpt 25:40,45 call "the least of these My brethren" i.e. the BELIEVING REMNANT of Israel IN the TRIB yrs [see again my reference to the CORRESPONDENCE BTWN Mic5:3 and those in Rev12:17 AFTER "the woman" HAD BROUGHT FORTH the male [G730 - arsena / arren]"--note: the "birth" is not at MID-trib, however]). It is said they will be "hated of all the nations FOR MY NAME'S SAKE" (why??)

[note: Matt24:14 / 26:13 is what message WILL BE being "preached" in all the world IN / DURING / WITHIN the future TRIB YRS (it's not what is being preached NOW)... basically, the "INVITATION" TO the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom age (no one will be LIFTING OFF THE EARTH, who ENTERS that MK age), elsewhere called "the MEAL [G347]" and "the wedding FEAST / SUPPER" (at which "GUESTS [PLURAL]" will be present--as "saved / righteous" persons... not the UNSAVED)... We TODAY, by contrast, are asking ppl to be a part of the "Bride / Wife [SINGULAR]"... presently "BETROTHED" 2Cor11:2 etc]


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2018
Na, thats not it

because there is not an event, all one could do at most is guess
It is, though.

It corresponds with his action in Dan9:27a.

(you are connecting this "revealed" with Dan9:27b instead)

In BOTH 2Th2:3-9a AND in Dan9:27a/b/c there is (regarding "the man of sin"):

--the BEGINNING [of the 7 yrs]

--the MIDDLE [of the 7 yrs]; AND

--the END [of the 7 yrs]


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2018
In BOTH 2Th2:3-9a (who / who / who) AND in Dan9:27a/b/c [26b] (he / he / he) there is (regarding "the man of sin") EACH OF THESE:

a ("for ONE WEEK [7 yrs]")--the BEGINNING [of the 7 yrs] - "whose COMING / ADVENT / ARRIVAL / PRESENCE / PAROUSIA" (v.9a; v8a; v.3b)

b--the MIDDLE [of the 7 yrs] - "who SITTETH" (v.4b) ; AND

c--the END [of the 7 yrs] - "whom the Lord SHALL CONSUME... ANNUL..." (v.8b)

[I saw one poster suggest that v.8a occurs WHEN v.8b does... IT DOESN'T!]


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2021
It is, though.

It corresponds with his action in Dan9:27a.

(you are connecting this "revealed" with Dan9:27b instead)

In BOTH 2Th2:3-9a AND in Dan9:27a/b/c there is (regarding "the man of sin"):

--the BEGINNING [of the 7 yrs]

--the MIDDLE [of the 7 yrs]; AND

--the END [of the 7 yrs]
Please tell me WHAT covenant will be confirmed, and with who? How can we know it is the actual covenant which starts the 70th week?


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2018
Please tell me WHAT covenant will be confirmed, and with who?
As I see the text, it states:

--"confirm [/strengthen] a covenant" (likely ['strengthening'] one having already been in existence, "strengthening" it, i.e. putting it into effect)

--"with the many" (I can't say whether this "WITH" means "ALONG WITH" [as though all participants are doing same, ALONG WITH when THE OTHER IS ALSO] OR that this "WITH" means, "[with] TWO distinct PARTIES" [as in, he is one side, the many are the opposing side, but coming together FOR this "covenant"... such as a peace treaty would be, between two opposing parties coming together FOR that purpose);

--"[with] THE MANY" - it seems that Scripture elsewhere uses the phrase "the many" to refer to Israel (those in the nation of Israel), so where it says "WITH THE MANY," I don't want to say I know with certainty that it's "ALONG WITH the many" WHEN THEY DO [this thing, TOO]" (all together), OR as TWO opposing parties COMING TOGETHER FOR it (to "strengthen / confirm" it "FOR ONE WEEK [7 yrs]");

How can we know it is the actual covenant which starts the 70th week?
I do believe that "the prince THAT SHALL COME" (v.26b) is not saying he will exist when "the PEOPLE OF" him do the "shall destroy the city and the sanctuary" stuff in the first century (Lk21:23,20; Lk19:41-44; Matt22:7; etc); I DO believe "the prince THAT SHALL COME" is not [Jesus] / the Messiah the Prince of v.25,26a... but is DISTINCT from that reference (and corresponds with both 1Jn2:18 "YE HAVE HEARD [<--phrase pointing back to OT words] that antichrist IS COMING" and the "whose COMING" 2Th2:9a / Dan11:36-37 [PRIOR to MID-point in 12:1,6-7])

I could present much more... and will if you think more evidence is needed than what I've provided...

[to be clear, SEAL #1 rider on white horse [INITIAL "BP"] with the "BOW [/DECEPTION]"... who [will-future] "went forth conquering and to conquer" (at the START of the "IN QUICKNESS" time-period) IS the KICK-OFF of the "7 yr period... "Our Rapture" will have ALREADY taken place by that point (Rev5:9 "hast redeemed US... out-of EVERY...")]

Let me just add: I don't think 1Th5:3's "WHEN... SAY" means this lasts 3.5 yrs


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
[my apologies that I can't remember which poster has said what... but...]

...have YOU ever been among those who've said, "[such-and-such a verse] MUST be speaking about 'our RAPTURE' BECAUSE *if* it were speaking of 'His Second Coming [to the earth Rev19]' then THEY COULD SIMPLY COUNT THE DAYS till His return!!"

If you've ever said something similar [and I don't know that you have, but IF you have], then do you see that it would be true that AT SOME POINT prior to His "return [Rev19]" they had come to an awareness of WHEN that is to be expected? (How? Well, because the Word of God TELLS IT...)
Rapture, if one holds to that or the soon return of the Lord, both do NOT know the day or our. No Person can tell us Jesus is coming in a year. that is Arrogance


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2013
Please tell me WHAT covenant will be confirmed, and with who? How can we know it is the actual covenant which starts the 70th week?
I believe it is the Abrahamic Accords involving Mohammed Bin Salman...


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2018
Rapture, if one holds to that or the soon return of the Lord, both do NOT know the day or our. No Person can tell us Jesus is coming in a year. that is Arrogance
So (regarding His Second Coming to the earth point in time), you don't see any of the following passages as pertaining to its arrival?:

--"BLESSED is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days" Dan12:12 (corresponding with about 7-8 other "BLESSED" passages speaking to this same circumstances / setting, i.e. His Second Coming to the earth FOR the promised and prophesied EARTHLY MK age--like the "BLESSED" in Rev19:9/16:15 [Armageddon time-slot]; like the "BLESSED" in Lk12:36-37,38,40,42-44 [and parallel] "when he will RETURN FROM the wedding"... THEN "the meal [G347]"; etc etc); Is there not a specific reference to "day-amounts" that those IN that time-period (the "lead up" to His RETURN) can understand and "count"--otherwise, what is the purpose of its saying "BLESSED is he that waiteth AND COMETH TO the 1335 DAYS," if no one can "grasp" the MEANING of it, ever??;

--in Daniel 12:1,6-7[,10] where the question is being asked "HOW LONG TO the END of these wonders?" and a very specific time-amount is supplied in the response (and Daniel is then told he will "[rest (in death) and] STAND IN THY LOT [be resurrected ('to stand again' on the earth] at the END OF THE DAYS" (at the END of the "days" being referenced IN THAT CONTEXT; i.e. at the END of the TRIB yrs), and the passage stating that "the WISE WILL understand" (at that future time), are you thinking that the very specific time-amount [supplied there in that text] can be "understood" BY NO ONE... it's just put there in the text for no apparent PURPOSE?;

--in Rev12:6,14 (likewise), and in Daniel 7:25[,27], these both ALSO supply "day-amounts/time-amounts" (connected to the period when the AC will be present on the earth in his role) as do both Rev11:2 and Rev13:5-7... are you suggesting no one will be able to "grasp" the meaning of these time-periods so named (when they are IN THEM)? And if NOT, then what do you see as their purpose for being WRITTEN IN THE TEXTS as they are? Wasting space? (just asking = ) )

[there are numerous other time-stamps, timing-indicators, etc, included in the texts, providing way more information on that Subject than many recognize (some of them being more readily detected than others upon cursory glance, it must be admitted)... these few ^ above are only a small portion of many more... But "Revelation" itself is like a "mapped-out CALENDAR" (the "skeleton-OUTLINE" [time-wise / calendar-wise] can be detected)... Rev1:1 itself states, "[TO SHOW UNTO...]... things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" (the "future" aspects [i.e. from 4:1+ ("SHOW")] NOT being things which would unfold over the course of some near-2000 years, as the Historicists [and others] suggest, for example)]

You're saying that no one will be ABLE to factor ANY of the "7 yr" countdown (nor the "3.5 yr" countdown from the AOD point in the chronology, when they find themselves IN THOSE YRS)?? You're one of the few I've met to say that. = ) Just sayin'. lol

[again, "KNOWETH" is in the "PERFECT indicative"... and "PERFECT tense" only remains in effect UNTIL *further information* has UPDATED THAT STATUS (so to speak), which is what I'm saying JESUS DID some 60+ years later, when the "Revelation" was written, 95ad... where the text itself is plotted out like a calendar, various day-amounts are supplied, time-stamps are indicated, etc etc...; The text in Matt24:36 ("knoweth [PERFECT indicative]") does NOT carry the meaning of "no one can EVER know" nor "no one WILL EVER know"... it just doesn't...]


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2013
the BOLD and ALL CAPS and Italics w/ underlines with different colored font are too much sometimes lol. It's so tiresome to read.

Let's make normally written sentences great again!


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2018
@Radius , apologies... some near-20 years of Discussion Boards caused me to notice how many points made in my posts had been overlooked, missed altogether, bypassed when I wrote without taking advantage of the features supplied in the bar at top, and I'd had to repeat my points over and over and over in the following numerous posts because it was apparent the other member or members had missed what I'd been endeavoring to emphasize without-the-emphasis-tools.

It became extremely tiresome to ME [oops] when I had to stick with the thread long enough, even full days' time, in a back-and-forth, pointing out to them where I had already said this-or-that in said post, but they'd overlooked them or had missed the explanation given there.

Once I started taking advantage of the tools, the endless repeating of the explanations I'd already given, but had been missed by the readers, diminished by vast amounts. It was a massive relief to me. So it has kinda stuck with me...

For example, people tend to define terms in different ways... such as the phrase "the day of the Lord"... and so an idea I've not intended enters the other person's mind based on how they themselves define that term. I find it easier to include it the first time I've been asked to explain a text or passage rather than to have to back-track when the reader has assumed something entirely different from my own intended meaning and explanation of such a passage. It's incredibly time-consuming, for me, that way--I mean to repeat in further posts what I've already said but was missed. My free time is not overly abundant. lol


New member
Feb 24, 2023
Hey guys, do you know if CJ Lovik has considered the dating of the Septuagint version of Genesis also? I believe the there is around an additional 600 years of history there when counting the ages of each generation / father between Shem and Abraham? Some say the dating present here is more accurate and accounts for building of pyramids / Noah's flood?


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2013
@Radius , apologies... some near-20 years of Discussion Boards caused me to notice how many points made in my posts had been overlooked, missed altogether, bypassed when I wrote without taking advantage of the features supplied in the bar at top, and I'd had to repeat my points over and over and over in the following numerous posts because it was apparent the other member or members had missed what I'd been endeavoring to emphasize without-the-emphasis-tools.

It became extremely tiresome to ME [oops] when I had to stick with the thread long enough, even full days' time, in a back-and-forth, pointing out to them where I had already said this-or-that in said post, but they'd overlooked them or had missed the explanation given there.

Once I started taking advantage of the tools, the endless repeating of the explanations I'd already given, but had been missed by the readers, diminished by vast amounts. It was a massive relief to me. So it has kinda stuck with me...

For example, people tend to define terms in different ways... such as the phrase "the day of the Lord"... and so an idea I've not intended enters the other person's mind based on how they themselves define that term. I find it easier to include it the first time I've been asked to explain a text or passage rather than to have to back-track when the reader has assumed something entirely different from my own intended meaning and explanation of such a passage. It's incredibly time-consuming, for me, that way--I mean to repeat in further posts what I've already said but was missed. My free time is not overly abundant. lol
I don't mean any offense brother, you can type as you like. I know I seem to gloss over all the paragraphs with the added flair. But maybe I'm in the minority.


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2013
Hey guys, do you know if CJ Lovik has considered the dating of the Septuagint version of Genesis also? I believe the there is around an additional 600 years of history there when counting the ages of each generation / father between Shem and Abraham? Some say the dating present here is more accurate and accounts for building of pyramids / Noah's flood?
I have no idea!


New member
Feb 24, 2023
Yeah, I'm really curious. I'm sure he would be aware of it however it's never addressed in any of his videos. It would be a massive oversight if he wasn't aware of the differences between that and the Masoretic.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2018
Hi @Ramonc ,

I don't know the answer to your specific question.

If my recollection is correct, I think he still starts out with the "2 days" (Hosea 6:2-3) as being 2000 years from the time of Jesus' crucifixion... and that part of history can be factored fairly accurately. = ) So, even if we only had THAT info...

[Long ago, I'd read the article by Dr David Reagan about the "Jewish calendar" and his basic conclusion that it is likely at least 256 years "off," so that the Hebrew calendar should reflect at least that many amount of years LATER than what they actually show it to be; But he also does refer to the same "7 days / 7000-years" theory in that article--The Millennial Day theory]


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2013
Hi @Ramonc ,

I don't know the answer to your specific question.

If my recollection is correct, I think he still starts out with the "2 days" (Hosea 6:2-3) as being 2000 years from the time of Jesus' crucifixion... and that part of history can be factored fairly accurately. = ) So, even if we only had THAT info...
This is how I view it. Let the smarties argue about the timeline before Christ. God knows the year, and it's indisputable that it was been 2023 or so since Jesus' birth. Closing in on the 6000 years of man.

[Long ago, I'd read the article by Dr David Reagan about the "Jewish calendar" and his basic conclusion that it is likely at least 256 years "off," so that the Hebrew calendar should reflect at least that many amount of years LATER than what they actually show it to be; But he also does refer to the same "7 days / 7000-years" theory in that article--The Millennial Day theory]
There are for sure missing years from the Hebrew calendar and if memory serves the discrepancy in years arose between the 1st temple destruction and the 2nd Temple.