right I agree. but is it a passive waiting on the Lord? Or now do I keep praying and keep leaning into them with God conversations even though I can’t get anyone to listen to a single written scripture without being verbally assaulted? I mean the things of God simply flow out of my conversation naturally for me. Do I shut that off and go incognito/secret agent Christian and blend with their fallen nature 🥸 or do I let that outpouring of Godly speech flow continually regardless of who it offends and embrace being alienated and set apart from them?
This is just my understanding so evaluate it yourself. I was actually considering starting a thread about this so I'll share with you some of my thoughts:
John 6:44...Jesus says no one comes to Him unless drawn by the Father.
What does that drawing entail?
1. Conviction of sin? John 16
2. Repentance of sin? Acts 5:31
3. Revelation of Jesus? 2 Corinthians 4:6
4. New birth? John 3
I can see you have a love for God that desires His glory. I see also in you a love for others that desires the benefit of fallen people. These are the heart of evangelism.
It does seem you can benefit from learning what part God plays in salvation and what He expects from His servants.