I'm upset.
You know, I'm searching. I'm tryinng to come to my own conclusions about what the word of God says. Or even it it is infalliable or not. (I'm leaning towards it being infalliable, and I treat it's words such, but I'm open to arguments that it's not.) The Bible tells us that we each must be convinced in our own minds.
I am not being tossed to and fro on every wind of doctrine. I'm am seeking. I am knocking. I am asking. I am patiently listening to everyone's point of view, so that I can come to my own point of view. I am a member of another forum that discusses theology, and I have learned much there. (People seem to be more civil on this forum though. ) I have coined a saying and it goes "If you don't know all sides of the argument, you hold your opinion in ignorance."
Speaking of that saying, I said it to one of my friends. We were talking about doctrines and she said "It's not my opinion, it's the word of God." No, lady, it is your opinion about the word of God. It is your intrepretation of the word of God. You see, we were dicussing homosexuality and abortion.
Take Genesis 1-2. There are the theasist evoultionists, who believe God used evolution. There are the young earth creationists, who believe the days are 24 hour days, and there are those who believe the days represent long periods of time. And that's just three. All intrepretations of Genesis 1-2. So obviously, there would be different intrepretations concerning homosexuality and the verses used by the pro-lifers.
Now homosexuality has been an interest of my lately. I listen to both sides of the argument and both sides have good points. So I'm on the fence. The same about abortion. And this lady acutally said that she's concerned for my soul, because I go to a church that embraces homosexulity. She says anyone who endorses it will go to hell. Uh, lady, I don't see in the Bible anywhere that someone goes to hell because they have false doctrine, especially if they hold that doctrine in ignorance.
The way I see it, is that there are hundreds of doctrines in the Bible. Why would you leave a church of your theological standpoint, because you disagree with them concerning one doctrine? Christians don't leave a church when it teaches free will and they are Calvinists. They stay. Why is homosexuality so different? It's just a doctrine just like any other doctrine.
I won't get into the arguments for homosexuality. I did that in other threads. What I'm saying is no one has the right to judge anyone! "Judge not, that you may not be judge. And the same measure you use, it will be measured back to you." Meaning, if you make a habit of pointing at people and saying they will go to hell, Jesus may one day point to you, and say you're going to hell. You reap what you sow.
I do not appreciate someone telling me that my soul is in danger because I disagree with them. There are times when souls are in danger. They have backsliden. They're not growing, reading their Bible, are lukewarm, etc. But when someone is seeking God and you say they're probably going to hell because they hold a different opinion, well, lets just say I fear for you. God judges the heart. And not one person can see another persons heart.
You know, I'm searching. I'm tryinng to come to my own conclusions about what the word of God says. Or even it it is infalliable or not. (I'm leaning towards it being infalliable, and I treat it's words such, but I'm open to arguments that it's not.) The Bible tells us that we each must be convinced in our own minds.
I am not being tossed to and fro on every wind of doctrine. I'm am seeking. I am knocking. I am asking. I am patiently listening to everyone's point of view, so that I can come to my own point of view. I am a member of another forum that discusses theology, and I have learned much there. (People seem to be more civil on this forum though. ) I have coined a saying and it goes "If you don't know all sides of the argument, you hold your opinion in ignorance."
Speaking of that saying, I said it to one of my friends. We were talking about doctrines and she said "It's not my opinion, it's the word of God." No, lady, it is your opinion about the word of God. It is your intrepretation of the word of God. You see, we were dicussing homosexuality and abortion.
Take Genesis 1-2. There are the theasist evoultionists, who believe God used evolution. There are the young earth creationists, who believe the days are 24 hour days, and there are those who believe the days represent long periods of time. And that's just three. All intrepretations of Genesis 1-2. So obviously, there would be different intrepretations concerning homosexuality and the verses used by the pro-lifers.
Now homosexuality has been an interest of my lately. I listen to both sides of the argument and both sides have good points. So I'm on the fence. The same about abortion. And this lady acutally said that she's concerned for my soul, because I go to a church that embraces homosexulity. She says anyone who endorses it will go to hell. Uh, lady, I don't see in the Bible anywhere that someone goes to hell because they have false doctrine, especially if they hold that doctrine in ignorance.
The way I see it, is that there are hundreds of doctrines in the Bible. Why would you leave a church of your theological standpoint, because you disagree with them concerning one doctrine? Christians don't leave a church when it teaches free will and they are Calvinists. They stay. Why is homosexuality so different? It's just a doctrine just like any other doctrine.
I won't get into the arguments for homosexuality. I did that in other threads. What I'm saying is no one has the right to judge anyone! "Judge not, that you may not be judge. And the same measure you use, it will be measured back to you." Meaning, if you make a habit of pointing at people and saying they will go to hell, Jesus may one day point to you, and say you're going to hell. You reap what you sow.
I do not appreciate someone telling me that my soul is in danger because I disagree with them. There are times when souls are in danger. They have backsliden. They're not growing, reading their Bible, are lukewarm, etc. But when someone is seeking God and you say they're probably going to hell because they hold a different opinion, well, lets just say I fear for you. God judges the heart. And not one person can see another persons heart.