Adrian, I want to tell you that though your intentions are good, the way you phrase what you say is detrimental to the message you're giving. It was written "be sly as serpents, and gentle as doves". The knowledge you have of God's word is great. I wish I knew as much as you. But aren't we supposed to temper all things with love? There is a way to say what you want to say, without it coming out as sharp as a razor, and perhaps that is something you could try to take note of as you type. People often say "I'm being honest. I don't sugar-coat anything." I'm not saying to "sugar-coat" it, what I'm saying is that "a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." I pray I didn't come off as arrogant, because that wasn't my intention. I have struggled with the same problem myself and so I've taken to doing my best to preach by my behavior and I still fail, as do we all. God bless you all.