But the Law itself says, cursed is anyone who does not keep all the words of it ((Deuteronomy 27:26, Jeremiah 11:3, Galatians 3:10)) - and Christ says anyone setting aside and teaching others to set aside the least commandment is called least in the kingdom ((Matthew 5:18)). further, James says anyone guilty of any part of the Law is guilty of all of it ((James 2:10)).
so while there may be degrees of physical punishment for various infractions of the Law, any bit if it transgressed makes us lawbreakers worthy of all the curses in it. it cannot be broken into greater and lesser parts to be kept or deleted. breaking the 10 commandments makes you every bit as guilty of sin as failing to keep your neighbors animal if you find it loose or not wearing the tzitzit on the corners of your garment.
The 10 commandments are neither separate from the Law nor the basis of the Law. He didn't give Israel the Law in order from greatest to least, and He didn't give them the option of choosing which bits of it were important and which were not, and He didn't give it to us as believers in order to seek righteousness through keeping it nor to judge us by it - He gave it to us to know so that we could see Him in it, how it leads to and points to and speaks of Him, and He gave Himself to us and for us so we could be sanctified.
keeping the Law doesn't sanctify us; He sanctifies us. that is exactly what the sign to Israel which is the sabbath was purposed to teach them: that He is The One who sanctifies. therefore be still.
this really don't a tie back to the OP topic, because what is it the foolish ones did not have, and foolishly tried to borrow from. those who had, and went out looking to buy?
what in the world kind of currency were they thinking they could trade for divine oil?
looking at the parable, any chance in **** they were successful at getting oil for wages?
maybe that's not what you're trying to do - i hope not! - but that's the implications of the theology you've been putting in this thread. that the oil of the kingdom of heaven is procured, purchased and kept by keeping selected jots and tittles of the Law.
so while there may be degrees of physical punishment for various infractions of the Law, any bit if it transgressed makes us lawbreakers worthy of all the curses in it. it cannot be broken into greater and lesser parts to be kept or deleted. breaking the 10 commandments makes you every bit as guilty of sin as failing to keep your neighbors animal if you find it loose or not wearing the tzitzit on the corners of your garment.
The 10 commandments are neither separate from the Law nor the basis of the Law. He didn't give Israel the Law in order from greatest to least, and He didn't give them the option of choosing which bits of it were important and which were not, and He didn't give it to us as believers in order to seek righteousness through keeping it nor to judge us by it - He gave it to us to know so that we could see Him in it, how it leads to and points to and speaks of Him, and He gave Himself to us and for us so we could be sanctified.
keeping the Law doesn't sanctify us; He sanctifies us. that is exactly what the sign to Israel which is the sabbath was purposed to teach them: that He is The One who sanctifies. therefore be still.
this really don't a tie back to the OP topic, because what is it the foolish ones did not have, and foolishly tried to borrow from. those who had, and went out looking to buy?
what in the world kind of currency were they thinking they could trade for divine oil?
looking at the parable, any chance in **** they were successful at getting oil for wages?
maybe that's not what you're trying to do - i hope not! - but that's the implications of the theology you've been putting in this thread. that the oil of the kingdom of heaven is procured, purchased and kept by keeping selected jots and tittles of the Law.
. Lev 11:46-47
46 This is the law of the beasts, and of the fowl, and of every living creature that moveth in the waters, and of every creature that creepeth upon the earth:
47 To make a difference between the unclean and the clean, and between the beast that may be eaten and the beast that may not be eaten. (KJV)
In the above Scripture, God had just saved Israel out of Egyptian bondage; He was now leading them through the wilderness for the forty years and giving them His laws and statutes and teaching them all things again (for they had forgotten their God during their four hundred years of slavery in the land of Egypt).
But when it says "This is the law of the beasts..." (Lev 11:46) it is not like the Ten Commandment Law, it is rather like the "law" of leprosy in the below:
Lev 14:54
54 This is the law for all manner of plague of leprosy, and scall, (KJV)
In other words it was God's explanation. Let me explain like this:
When God explains foods, He is giving His explanation on what is healthy to eat (i.e., what is clean to the human body to consume).
When God explains the Medicinal, He is giving His explanation on what is diagnosis and cures of sicknesses (i.e., what is the way to cleanse the human body of disease).
When God explains Commandments, He is giving His explanation on what is commanded by God of men to do and not to do (i.e., what is the way to eternal life of the human soul).
Comparative explanation:
Below is God explaining food Laws, i.e., what is the way of foods for the body:
Lev 11:46-47
46 This is the law of the beasts, and of the fowl, and of every living creature that moveth in the waters, and of every creature that creepeth upon the earth:
47 To make a difference between the unclean and the clean, and between the beast that may be eaten and the beast that may not be eaten. (KJV)
Below is God explaining Disease Laws, i.e., what is the way of diagnosis and curing of the sick body:
Lev 14:54-57
54 This is the law for all manner of plague of leprosy, and scall,
55 And for the leprosy of a garment, and of a house,
56 And for a rising, and for a scab, and for a bright spot:
57 To teach when it is unclean, and when it is clean: this is the law of leprosy. (KJV)
Below is God explaining Commandment Laws, i.e., what is the way that men ought to act under penalty of eternal death:
Exod 20:1-4
1 And God spake all these words, saying,
2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: (KJV) [Etc., the Ten Commandments continue through verse 17...]
To say that all this law has the same weight would be to say that eating a piece of bacon (pork is forbade under the food laws) is the same as murdering a man (murder is outlawed in the Ten Commandments). Do you see the folly in calling the food laws the same as Commandment Law?
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