(Idolatry: Statue of Martin Luther in the Lutheran Cathedral, Helsinki, Finland: Idolatry: Statute of Calvin, Knox, Beza, etc. in Geneva, Switzerland, the so called Reformation Wall)
Do people venerate these statues? Do they bend down and kiss them? Do they consider the statues Holy? NO!
Does EO church venerate inanimate objects..kiss them as if the object is Holy? YES!
EO Church practices IDOLATRY.
Secondly....why do I care what the denominations you mention do? I have no dog in any denomination race. Giving examples of how other denominations go wrong is NO DEFENCE to your own TEMPLE CULT.
Necromancy/consulting familiar spirits
(Eastern Orthodoxy does not do that. False accusation (false witness(against one's neighbor, a violation of one of the ten Commandments, by the way
Are repose members of your congregation saints Scott? Can you ask them to pray for you or whatever? I asked you in a different thread but you refused to answer. Waving your arms around and jumping up and down on the spot crying false witness is infantile and doesnt add to the communications.
Hierarchical priestly structure
(bishop, priest (presbyter, elder), deacon (1 and 2 Timothy)
These are OFFICES. They are not one ABOVE the other holding AUTHORITY.
EO have councils that dictate policy to those UNDERNEATH it violating Jesus command NOT to have authority over the flock.
Oral Traditions which nullify Gods Holy Law
(false accusation: see 2 Thess 2:15)
(2 Thessalonians 2:15) Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
Those traditions were from the APOSTLES that went BY WORD OR BY WRITTEN EPISTLE....same traditions (The New Covenant). What they heard from Jesus Apostles is the SAME as what we read!
But the EO and the Pharisaic Jews (Same cult basically) like to both think they have some secret line on ADDED tradition. Sorry but if it NULLIFIES Gods Law its NOT ok. Example CHANTING.
Works based salvation
Strangelove, False. False accusation.
Faith and works based salvation (Gal. 5:6, James 2:24)
(so, Saint James 2:24 and Galatians 5:6 are false then, "Strangelove"? And Eph. 2:10 is false?)
All your magic rituals are WORKS. We're not talking about the works which Jesus causes us to walk in by the indwelling Holy Spirit we're talking about all the stuff the EO (and Rabbinic Judaism) ADD. Example....the cutting hair and burning it thingee.
False accusation. No problem.
Scriptures which forbid priestly clothing, please?) Scott
EO and Pharisee priestly cloths IDENTICAL. Just more evidence they are the same cult.
Name one Church Father that says the teachings of the Orthodox Church are the same as the Talmud.
I call none Father other than the Father in heaven. I dont care what MEN say I care what God says. But for someone who relies so much on WORLDLY TRADITION its a predictable question.
You have read the Talmud, yes? So have I. Some of it. Through Michael Hoffman's book "Judaism's Strange Gods". If you are going by Hoffman as a guide to the Talmud, Hoffman says nothing about EO being Talmudic.
I'm not going on his book as a guide. He doesnt cover EO...so what?
You are way off base here, Strangelove. Why should you be taken seriously when you don't even have the common sense to use your own name? After all, why would anyone want to take a movie character seriously. If this is just a casual chat forum, fine. I assume people have something more substantial to believe in. We in America here are really spoiled by Evangelical Christianity. Too many gullible people are expecting hopefully a late great pre-tribulation rapture to "rapture" them out of all their earthly sufferings. I trust you don't believe that pre-tribulation myth, either, you are smarter than that. For a few years, I read Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye, and, not knowing the Scriptures or the power of God, I believed what they said. John F. Walvoord's book "The Rapture Question" (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan), also had me brainwashed for a while. It was while I was a Protestant I was following human traditions.
Do you want some chocolate milk with that irrelevant waffle?
No Christian tradition follows the Talmud, so you are simply stating a falsehood here.
Pre-millenialism is TOTALLY talmudic as is any kind of earthly kingdom or dominion.
The very fact that EO has traditions that nullify Gods Word is pharisaic in itself.
Chanting, sorcery, idolatry, authority over the herd, meaningless rituals, the pomp and garb...all talmudic.
It is Luther's oral traditions and Luther's words which nullify God's holy law. Consider Luther's oral (and written) tradition: "Luther took the opportunity afforded him in his self-appointed role of translator of the Bible into German, to add and delete words, from the Bible to bolster his ideological-theological revolutionary agenda. For instance, he decided to strengthen some of his favorite passages, like Romans Chapter 4, and weaken others. He added the word "only" to key Biblical passages in which he revised such sentences as: you are saved only by faith, or you are saved by faith alone. These essential forgeries provided Luther with the "proofs" he needed to bolster his evolving and creatively innovative theology. (1)
"In 1529, Dr. Link, the pre-eminent German language scholar of the day, wrote to Luther asking him why he had been inserting words into the German Bible. Luther's astonishing written answer nicely sums up the heart of the Protestant problem with individualistic subjectivity, "It is so because Dr. Luther says it is so!" (Dancing Alone: The Quest For Orthodox Faith in the Age of False Religion. Copyright 2002, Frank Schaeffer, Salisbury, MA: Regina Orthodox Press, pages 76-77. Regina Orthodox Press Online Store ).
1. Luther went so far as to insert the word "alone" in his translation of Romans 3:28 making it read: "that man is justified without the works of the law, through faith alone". While he defended the insertion ... his critics attacked him fro "lacerating and falsifying" (Ec. Enchir., 5 C Cath 34: 97-98)) not only the biblical text but the biblical doctrine" (Jaroslav Pelikan, Reformation of Church and Dogma, p. 252.).
I dont give two hoots what Luther said. I have no dog in Luthers race. Pointing out faults with Martin Luther does not justify the EO cult and its many false doctrines.
God save us all from every false belief and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Amen.