That isn't exactly what it says. In Mathew and Mark they say
Mat 22:30
"For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven."
Mark 12:25
"For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven."
It also never says we will be in "Heaven" to be honest, but it seems to suggest that we will have no need for marriage after the resurrection, after we rise from the dead, just like the angels in heaven. We will no longer be worried about sex in the presents of our Lord I think.
I would like to know all the scripture that places us, as human beings, in heaven. I can't think of any and honestly didn't think Heaven was a place we'd ever go. I do not know this and I'm going to look into it now that I've thought about it, I can't think of any scripture that says we will go there, except one that just dawned on me, when Jesus said He was going to build a mansion where we will dwell with Him. I really want to research now! Sorry for the "live in motion" style of this comment, but may main point was we are not going to be angels ever, and these verses say we'd be "as" the angels in heaven. Not we'd be angels.