God creates us all for different purposes--some of us work well with kids, and some of us are more geared toward adults. I'm thankful to see honest answers here in that other people may not feel they are meant to work best with kids. I often feel like the odd one out because I would rather spend a day in a prison visiting room than in a daycare.
I agree with the answers that it can depend on the child. I've been around some kids I instantly fell in love with... and others that I wished I could put in indefinite timeout (I'm sure my own parents have felt that way about ME several times, even in adulthood.

) I would have to agree with some of the other posters here that it would really depend on the situation and people involved (a crazy ex is a definite no thanks for me.)
I was in a 3-year relationship several years ago with a man who had two kids. I bonded very closely with the youngest, as he was only 18 months when the relationship began. When he started talking, he couldn't say, "Kim", so he used to run up to me, jump into my arms and hug me tight, saying, "My Eem, my Eem," and I would just melt.
I also remember the time when his older brother asked me, 'Kim, why does God love us?" And it took me a minute to think of a reply... We talked about how they had spent the day building things out of Legos... so I said a quick prayer and answered that God is a lot like that--He spends a lot of time planning our creation, and He loves us because of how much He pours into creating every part of us.
A while back, I had a discussion with a friend's little boy as to whether or not you could get to heaven with an airplane... He said no, because it's too high up there.