yes, i am a born again christian since 1993. currently, i am not attending church simply because there aren't any great "teaching" pastors around. by course, all Christians know we all should be attending church. it's like voting, if you heart, mind, soul, conscious & spirit tell you there isn't anyone worthy, then don't vote. you don't vote just to vote! i want to go to church but i'm not going to be unhappy there. you'd get bored fast. i once asked a great teaching pastor who is no longer in the area why pastors don't do a good job teaching in their preaching. he said, "when you have a small church, pastors don't feel a big responsibility to do better". so i listen to adrian rogers, charles stanley, michael uceff, amir tsarfati, joesph prince, vernon magee, chuck smith, noah hutchins, chuck colsen, the haggis's, jack van impie, david jeremiah, etc.